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Molecular cloning of integrin-associated protein: an immunoglobulin family member with multiple membrane-spanning domains implicated in alpha v beta 3-dependent ligand binding. The von Willebrand factor-reducing activity of thrombospondin-1 is located in the calcium-binding/Cterminal sequence and requires a free thiol at position 974. Role of thrombospondin-1 in control of von Willebrand factor multimer size in mice. The Fc receptor gamma-chain and the tyrosine kinase Syk are essential for activation of mouse platelets by collagen. The alpha2beta1 integrin is a necessary co-receptor for collagen-induced activation of Syk and the subsequent phosphorylation of phospholipase Cgamma2 in platelets. A novel platelet aggregating factor found in a patient with defective collagen-induced platelet aggregation and autoimmune thrombocytopenia. Evidence for the involvement of p59fyn and p53/56lyn in collagen receptor signalling in human platelets. 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Crystal structure of human cytosolic phospholipase A2 reveals a novel topology and catalytic mechanism. Selective regulation of protein kinase C isoenzymes by oleic acid in human platelets. Regulation of non-muscle myosin assembly by calmodulin-dependent light chain kinase. Calcium-and integrin-binding protein regulates focal adhesion kinase activity during platelet spreading on immobilized fibrinogen. Evidence for stimulation both by phosphatidylinositol 3,4bisphosphate, produced via a novel pathway, and by phosphatidylinositol 3,4,5-trisphosphate. Dual role of phosphatidylinositol-3,4,5-trisphosphate in the activation of protein kinase B. Characterization of a 3-phosphoinositide-dependent protein kinase which phosphorylates and activates protein kinase Balpha. Defects in secretion, aggregation, and thrombus formation in platelets from mice lacking Akt2. Analyses of proteins involved in vesicular trafficking in platelets of mouse models of Hermansky Pudlak syndrome. 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Effect of prostaglandin E 2 and aspirin on the secondary aggregation of human platelets. Difference between endothelium-dependent relaxation in arterial and in venous coronary bypass grafts. Trapping of nitric oxide produced during denitrification by extracellular hemoglobin. Signaling-mediated functional activation of inducible nitric-oxide synthase and its role in stimulating platelet activation. Increased adhesion and aggregation of platelets lacking cyclic guanosine 3,5-monophosphate kinase I.

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Evidence for a phosphatidylserine binding Access Provided by: site in the second C-type domain allergy symptoms vs common cold order 4 mg periactin free shipping. Mutation of hydrophobic residues in the factor Va C1 and C2 domains blocks membrane-dependent prothrombin activation. A bipartite autoinhibitory region within the B-domain suppresses function in factor V. Restoring the procofactor state of factor Va-like variants by complementation with B-domain peptides. Posttranslational sulfation of factor V is required for efficient thrombin cleavage and activation and for full procoagulant activity. Identification and partial characterization of factor Va heavy chain kinase from human platelets. Partial glycosylation at asparagine-2181 of the second C-type domain of human factor V modulates assembly of the prothrombinase complex. Partial glycosylation of Asn2181 in human factor V as a cause of molecular and functional heterogeneity. Modulation of glycosylation efficiency by mutagenesis of the consensus sequence for N-linked glycosylation. Factor Xa activation of factor V is of paramount importance in initiating the coagulation system: lessons from a tick salivary protein. Residual platelet factor V ensures thrombin generation in patients with severe congenital factor V Page 53 / 68, Mettine H. Low plasma levels of tissue factor pathway inhibitor in patients with congenital factor V deficiency. Residual platelet factor V ensures thrombin generation in patients with severe congenital factor V deficiency and mild bleeding symptoms. Familial thrombophilia due to a previously unrecognized mechanism characterized by poor anticoagulant response to activated protein C: prediction of a cofactor to activated protein C. Some properties of a substance obtained from normal human plasma effective in accelerating the coagulation of hemophilic blood. Protein S and C4b-binding protein: components involved in the regulation of the protein C anticoagulant system. Protein-S, a vitamin K-dependent protein, is a bone matrix component synthesized and secreted by osteoblasts. Effects of protein S and factor Xa on peptide bond cleavages during inactivation of factor Va and factor VaR506Q by activated protein C. Re-evaluation of the role of the protein S-C4b binding protein complex in activated protein Ccatalyzed factor Va-inactivation. Protein S: a multifunctional anticoagulant vitamin K-dependent protein at the crossroads of coagulation, inflammation, angiogenesis, and cancer. Partial purification and characterization of a protease from human plasma cleaving von Willebrand factor to fragments produced by in vivo proteolysis. Genetic variation associated with plasma von Willebrand factor levels and the risk of incident venous thrombosis. New hemophilia-like disease caused by deficiency of a third plasma thromboplastin factor. A familial hemorrhagic trait associated with a deficiency of a clot-promoting fraction of plasma. Circular dichroism, fluorescence, and ultraviolet difference spectroscopic studies. Evidence for an additional region involved in the binding to negatively charged surfaces. Platelet- and erythrocyte-derived microparticles trigger thrombin generation via factor 241. Surface and fluid phase activities of two forms of activated Hageman factor produced during 239. Surface and fluid phase activities of two forms of activated Hageman factor produced during contact activation of plasma. Complete abolishment of coagulant activity in monomeric disulfide-deficient tissue factor. Procoagulant soluble tissue factor is released from endothelial cells in response to inflammatory cytokines. Alterations in myocardial tissue factor expression and cellular localization in dilated cardiomyopathy. Tissue factor expression pattern in human non-small cell lung cancer tissues indicate increased blood thrombogenicity and tumor metastasis. Isolation of a membrane-bound cofactor for thrombin-catalyzed activation of protein C. The thrombomodulin/protein C/protein S anticoagulant pathway modulates the thrombogenic properties of the normal resting and stimulated endothelium. Human protein C receptor is present primarily on endothelium of large blood vessels: implications for the control of the protein C pathway. Thrombomodulin and the vascular endothelium: insights into functional, regulatory, and therapeutic aspects. A hereditary bleeding disorder resulting from a premature stop codon in thrombomodulin (p. Biased agonism of protease-activated receptor 1 by activated protein C caused by noncanonical cleavage at Arg46. Targeted gene sequencing identifies variants in the protein C and endothelial protein C receptor genes in patients with unprovoked venous thromboembolism. In vivo defibrination results in markedly decreased amounts of fibrinogen in rat megakaryocytes and platelets. Gamma-chain dysfibrinogenemias: molecular structure-function relationships of naturally occurring mutations in the gamma chain of human fibrinogen. Genetic variation in the fibrinogen gamma gene increases the risk for deep venous thrombosis by reducing plasma fibrinogen gamma levels. Evidence for four different polymerization sites involved in human fibrin formation. Thrombin binding to the A alpha-, B beta-, and gamma-chains of fibrinogen and to their remnants contained in fragment E. Fibrin assembly: a comparison of electron microscopic and light scattering results. Predominant contribution of surface approximation to the mechanism of heparin acceleration of the antithrombin-thrombin reaction. Structure of the antithrombin-thrombin-heparin ternary complex reveals the antithrombotic mechanism of heparin. The incidence of dysfunctional antithrombin variants: four cases in 210 patients with thromboembolic disease. For the Plasma Coagulation Inhibitors Subcommittee of the Scientific and Standardization Committee of the International Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis. Functional significance of the Kunitz-type inhibitory domains of lipoprotein-associated coagulation inhibitor. Tissue factor pathway inhibitor-alpha inhibits prothrombinase during the initiation of blood coagulation. Reciprocal coupling of coagulation and innate immunity via neutrophil serine proteases. Tissue factor pathway inhibitor gene disruption produces intrauterine lethality in mice. Tissue factor pathway inhibitor polymorphisms in women with and without a history of venous thrombosis and the effects of postmenopausal hormone therapy. Protein Z circulates in plasma in a complex with protein Z-dependent protease inhibitor. Protein Z-dependent protease inhibitor deficiency produces a more severe murine phenotype than protein Z deficiency. Two missense mutations identified in venous thrombosis patients impair the inhibitory function of the protein Z dependent protease inhibitor. Association of the protein Z intron F G79A gene polymorphism with recurrent pregnancy loss.

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The prognostic value of multiparameter flow cytometry minimal residual disease assessment in relapsed multiple myeloma allergy relief periactin 4mg. Minimal residual disease negativity using deep sequencing is a major prognostic factor in multiple myeloma. The prevalence of essential monoclonal gammopathy depends on the demographic features in the population under study. In Americans of European descent, the prevalence increases from approximately 2% in individuals 50 years of age to approximately 7% in octogenarians. The condition has been reported in association with a large variety of disorders, especially nonlymphocytic cancers. These coincidences are thought, in most cases, to be the chance concurrence of conditions that have a high prevalence in older persons. Some cases of essential monoclonal gammopathy are symptomatic because in these cases, the Ig can interact with plasma proteins, blood cells, kidney, ocular structures, or neural tissue and cause serious dysfunction, for example, an acquired bleeding disorder, renal insufficiency, or an incapacitating neuropathy. In such cases, disability may be so great that attempts to remove the Ig by plasmapheresis and to suppress its production using immune or cytotoxic therapy can be warranted. Because myeloma or lymphoma may emerge soon after the monoclonal Ig is first detected, subsequent evaluation of the patient is required to ascertain if essential monoclonal gammopathy is the appropriate diagnosis. Long-term follow-up at appropriate intervals is prudent to detect conversion from a stable, asymptomatic condition to a progressive lymphoma or myeloma, which occurs in approximately 0. In the absence of a symptomatic monoclonal gammopathy (eg, renal or neurologic involvement) or evolution to a progressive clonal gammopathy, periodic follow-up of patients is all that is required. The first feature is a plasma immunoglobulin (Ig) or Ig light chain that has the molecular features of the product of a single clone of B lymphocytes or plasma cells: homogeneous electrophoretic migration and a single Ig light-chain type. The second feature is the absence of evidence of an overt neoplastic disorder of B lymphocytes or plasma cells, such as lymphoma, macroglobulinemia, myeloma, or amyloidosis. The observations that Bence Jones proteinuria could precede the clinical signs of multiple myeloma by many years1 and that hyperglobulinemia without evidence of multiple myeloma could occur in some patients2 antedated the concept of monoclonal gammopathy as a syndrome. With the more frequent clinical application of zonal electrophoresis of plasma proteins during the 1950s and 1960s, patients were discovered who had a monoclonal Ig, either without an associated disease or with diseases such as nonlymphoid cancers, infections, or inflammatory disorders, which typically are not associated with a monoclonal proliferation of B lymphocytes. Now, the term monoclonal the observations that Bence Jones proteinuria could precede the clinical signs of multiple myeloma by many years and that hyperglobulinemia Countway Medical Library without evidence of multiple myeloma could occur in some patients2 antedated the concept of monoclonal gammopathy as a syndrome. With the more Access Provided by: frequent clinical application of zonal electrophoresis of plasma proteins during the 1950s and 1960s, patients were discovered who had a monoclonal Ig, either without an associated disease or with diseases such as nonlymphoid cancers, infections, or inflammatory disorders, which typically are not associated with a monoclonal proliferation of B lymphocytes. Several synonyms for the syndrome have been used, particularly monoclonal gammopathy and benign monoclonal gammopathy. Now, the term monoclonal gammopathy of renal significance has been coined, arguing that in this case, the monoclonal gammopathy is of significance. However, other organs (eg, nerves, eyes, bones), plasma proteins, and blood cells, as well as kidneys, may be injured or inactivated by a monoclonal protein (see "Functional Impairment from a Monoclonal Protein"), and we will have to have (an unnecessary) proliferation of such designations. The term essential monoclonal gammopathy seems best because it neither highlights a benign process nor indicates that the risks of subsequent lymphoma or myeloma are unknown; these risks are universally appreciated. It is unnecessary to assign the postscript "of unknown significance" to the numerous well-defined benign neoplasms at risk of clonal evolution and progression, such as colonic adenomatous polyps, other adenomas, uterine leiomyomas, monoclonal B-cell lymphocytosis, and clonal sideroblastic anemia. Biologically, essential monoclonal gammopathy is one of many such well-defined examples of a stable ("benign") neoplasm with an uncertain potential to evolve to a progressive neoplasm through the acquisition of additional somatic mutations. More is known about its significance and pathobiology than perhaps any other benign neoplasm with a risk of clonal evolution to a malignant state. Lichtman A modest increase in relative risk of monoclonal gammopathy has been found in inflammatory and autoimmune disorders. At this cell population density, marrow lymphocyte or plasma cell prevalence is indistinguishable from that of normal marrow. IgG or IgA monoclonal gammopathy arises from somatically mutated postswitch preplasma cells and may have translocations involving the Ig heavy-chain region on chromosome 14. IgM monoclonal gammopathy arises from a mutated postgerminal center lymphocyte that does not have evidence of isotype switching. The expanded clone secretes monoclonal Ig at a rate per cell sufficient for detection by standard tests. The clonal expansion, however, does not cause osteolysis or hypercalcemia, inhibit hematopoietic proliferation and maturation, or impair differentiation of polyclonal B lymphocytes to plasma cells. Polyclonal Ig synthesis usually is normal, and patients do not incur an increased risk of infection. The cells in the stable (benign) clone do not accumulate further and do not elaborate significant amounts of osteoclast-activating factors that are responsible for bone destruction. Despite these significant differences from myeloma in the behavior of the neoplastic B cells, cytogenetic abnormalities akin to those seen in myeloma may be present in plasma cells derived from patients with essential monoclonal gammopathy. The presence of clonal cytogenetic changes does not necessarily predict clonal evolution and progression. It was initially thought that 25% to 30% of patients with myeloma had an identified antecedent period of essential monoclonal gammopathy that underwent clonal evolution to myeloma,49,53 but more recent studies suggest that an antecedent period of monoclonal gammopathy is present in patients before they develop myeloma. The group more similar to monoclonal gammopathy constituted approximately 30% of patients with myeloma. The pP-7 carrier state is inherited as a dominant associated with an increased risk of IgA and IgG monoclonal gammopathy and myeloma. The carrier state is more than twice as prevalent in Americans of African descent as those of European descent and is much less prevalent in Americans of Asian descent than those of European descent, a gradient similar to the incidence of monoclonal gammopathy in those populations. Similarly, these polymorphisms independently increase the risk of monoclonal gammopathy. Polymorphism associations are independent; risk increases with a larger number of risk alleles carried, supporting a polygenic model of disease susceptibility to monoclonal gammopathy and therefore to myeloma. It is thought to represent an early oncogenic event in monoclonal gammopathy contributing to evolution to macroglobulinemia. In contrast, if mouse B-cell lymphoma or myeloma cells are transplanted into normal mice, the engraftment frequency is higher than that of B cells from mice with essential monoclonal gammopathy. Thus, an intrinsic difference exists in the growth potential (degree of malignancy) of these B-cell clones. A few monoclonal IgM antibodies act as rheumatoid factors and may form cryoglobulins through complex formation with IgG molecules. In persons with "low-risk" monoclonal gammopathy, that is, (a) those with less than 1. Notably, anemia is not present, and the proportion of plasma cells in marrow is less than 10%. Although an increased percentage of plasma cells is the most constant morphologic feature of myeloma, the presence of cytologic atypia, as judged by frequent binucleate plasma cells and large plasma cell nucleoli, is a finding more specific for myeloma. Clones containing trisomy or monosomy involving chromosomes 3, 6, 7, 9, 11, 13, 17, and 18 have been identified.

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Acquired immunobullous disease: a cutaneous manifestation of IgM macroglobulinaemia xolair allergy testing buy periactin 4mg otc. Case records of the Massachusetts General Hospital: Weekly clinicopathological exercises. Extranodal lymphoplasmacytoid lymphoma (immunocytoma) presenting as small intestinal obstruction. Guideline for the diagnosis, treatment and response criteria for Bing-Neel syndrome. Impairment of filgrastim-induced stem cell mobilization after prior lenalidomide in patients with multiple myeloma. Prospective clinical trial of ixazomib, dexamethasone, and rituximab as primary therapy in Waldenstrom macroglobulinaemia. Acalabrutinib monotherapy in patients with Waldenstrom macroglobulinaemia: a single-arm, multicenter, phase 2 study. Response and survival for primary therapy combination regimens and maintenance rituximab in Waldenstrom macroglobulinaemia. Bortezomib therapy in patients with relapsed or refractory lymphoma: potential correlation of in vitro sensitivity and tumor necrosis factor alpha response with clinical activity. If there is no response to antibiotics or if aggressive lymphoma is diagnosed, chemotherapy is indicated. The disease should be considered a serologically determined entity with a variety of clinical and histopathologic features. It is defined by the recognition of monoclonal deleted gamma chains devoid of light chains. The length of the truncated chain varies, but usually it is one-half to three-fourths the length of the normal chain. Serum protein was modified after synthesis and did not contain any amino acids before the hinge. Access Provided by:, heterogeneous amino acid sequences;, unusual and heterogeneous amino acid sequences; unusual amino acid sequences; boxes, coding regions; lines, deletions; dashed lines, likely structures for which sequence data are missing; By this method, 20% of these patients were shown to also have small amounts of monoclonal free light chains. One patient described in the literature was unique in that the serum contained two deleted chains of different subclasses (IgG1 and IgG2). Lymphocytosis may occur, and an occasional patient presents with chronic lymphocytic leukemia. A lymphoplasmacytic proliferation was present in 36% and hyperplastic nodes and plasmacytoma in 11% each; there was one case of Hodgkin lymphoma and one of probable Hodgkin lymphoma. Any associated autoimmune disease should be managed with standard therapy for that specific disease type. In symptomatic patients with a low-grade lymphoplasmacytic malignancy, a trial of chlorambucil may be beneficial. Melphalan and prednisone can be used if the proliferation is predominantly plasmacytic. A trial of cyclophosphamide, vincristine, and prednisone with or without doxorubicin is reasonable for patients with evidence of a progressive lymphoplasmacytic proliferative process or high-grade lymphoma. Disappearance of the monoclonal component from serum, and urine associated with apparent complete response, has been induced by chemotherapy,28 radiotherapy,4 or surgical removal of a localized process. Disappearance of theCountway Medical Library monoclonal component from serum, and urine associated with apparent complete response, has been induced by chemotherapy,28 radiotherapy,4 or surgical removal of a Access Provided by: localized process. It is defined by the recognition of internally deleted monoclonal chains devoid of light chains. The disease might be considered a model showing the complex interactions of the environment with genetic factors and the infection-immunity-cancer interrelationships originating from the same proliferating clone. Although the mechanisms leading to the development of a clonal population synthesizing the structurally abnormal IgA are still speculative, the lymphoplasmacytic infiltration of the intestinal mucosa is likely a response of the alimentary tract immune system to protracted luminal antigenic stimulation. The putative agent may be present only at the onset of the disease and absent at diagnosis. Future microbiome studies may help identify etiopathogenetic agents and thereby improve treatment options for affected patients. The disease is characterized by malabsorption manifested by diarrhea, weight loss, and abdominal pain. Amenorrhea, alopecia, and growth retardation in children and adolescents correlate with the duration and the severity of the malabsorptive process. The length of the basic polypeptide subunit differs from patient to patient and in most instances is between one-half and three-quarters that of a normal chain.

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Antibodies of von Willebrand factor are found in patients with type 3 von Willebrand disease in response to infusion of von Willebrand factor allergy symptoms weather changes purchase genuine periactin online. Antibodies to factor V can occur as autoantibodies or as cross-reacting anti-bovine factor V antibodies that develop after exposure to bovine thrombin products that are contaminated with factor V. Antibodies directed against coagulation factors can develop as an acquired, autoimmune phenomenon. These "circulating anticoagulants" or "inhibitors" were recognized as early as 1906 as a cause of an acquired bleeding disorder. The identification of a bleeding patient with hemophilia-like plasma coagulation defect secondary to a circulating anticoagulant was described by Lozner and colleagues in 1940. The remaining idiopathic cases most commonly occur in elderly patients of either sex with the median age at diagnosis of 70 years. Immunology Although adaptive immunity provides a unique ability to recognize a nearly infinite range of antigenic determinants, mechanisms of immunologic tolerance exist that reduce the probability of autoimmunity. However, this discrimination alone does not possess the capacity to distinguish innocuous antigens from antigens associated with a real threat of infection. Bleeding in approximately 70% of patients is severe enough to require hemostatic management. Conceivably, unidentified mechanistic differences in inhibitor action account for the difference in clinical severity. However, it is not possible to predict in which subset of patients this will occur. Specific factor assays then are performed to determine whether a specific coagulation factor inhibitor or the antiphospholipid antibody syndrome is present. Once the identity of an inhibitor has been established, its titer is determined using the Nijmegen modification of the Bethesda assay. The screening tests, mixing studies, and factor assays described above usually firmly establish the diagnosis. However, rarely the antiphospholipid antibody syndrome may also be present in a patient with acquired hemophilia A, confounding the diagnosis. A clinical setting of an acutely bleeding patient and screening tests consistent with a circulating anticoagulant should prompt a working diagnosis of acquired hemophilia A and institution of therapy. Invasive procedures should be performed only if necessary and venipuncture should be kept to a minimum. Treatment with bypassing agents should be continued until there are clear signs of clinical improvement. Countway Medical Library Access Provided by: Anti-inhibitor coagulant complex was initially approved in 1986. There are no laboratory methods available to predict response to therapy or to monitor patients on therapy with bypassing agents. The incidence of thrombosis in patients treated with bypassing agents for acquired hemophilia A appears higher than in patients with congenital hemophilia. This is probably a result of cardiovascular risk factors in the acquired hemophilia population given their age and associated medical conditions. Escalating doses of either bypassing agent or combination of the two agents should be done with caution, especially in older patients. Thrombotic events have been described in the limited published data on the off-label use of emicizumab in acquired hemophilia A. The current recommendation is that patients with acquired hemophilia A should not be treated with emicizumab outside of clinical trials. In addition, plasmapheresis and immunoadsorption of the inhibitory antibody have been used. Stowell Pete Lollar Current treatment options are based on retrospective studies and registry data. Therefore, immunosuppressive therapy at the time of diagnosis to eradicate the inhibitor is usually recommended. First-line immunosuppressive regimens at many centers consist of glucocorticoids alone or glucocorticoids combined with cyclophosphamide. In the absence of controlled studies, individualized therapy and clinical judgement are required. In addition, as in acquired hemophilia A, factor V autoantibodies may develop idiopathically or associated with malignancies, other autoimmune disorders, and pregnancy. The most common sites of bleeding are on mucosal surfaces and, less frequently, at intracranial or retroperitoneal sites. Patients with inhibitory antibodies to factor V have prolonged prothrombin and activated partial thromboplastin times, low factor V levels and a normal thrombin time. Although factor V inhibitors can remit spontaneously, immunosuppression may be required. Most patients with antiphospholipid antibody syndrome have demonstrable antiprothrombin antibodies but do not have hypoprothrombinemia. However, the mechanisms of action of antithrombin antibodies have been studied extensively because of the wealth of information about thrombin structure and function. In contrast, there is a relatively An acquired inhibitor to protein C associated Page 6 / 12, Sean R. However, the mechanisms of action of antithrombin antibodies have been studied extensively because of the Countway Medical Library wealth of information about thrombin structure and function. The development of alloantibodies against von Willebrand factor occurs in patients with type 3 von Willebrand disease in response to treatment with von Willebrand factor. Hemorrhagic diathesis with prolonged coagulation time associated with a circulating anticoagulant. Acquired haemophilia: review and meta-analysis focused on therapy and prognostic factors. Assessment of acquired hemophilia patient demographics in the United States: the Hemostasis and Thrombosis Research Society Registry. High-affinity, non-inhibitory pathogenic C1 domain antibodies are present in patients with hemophilia A and inhibitors. Crucial role of marginal zone macrophages and marginal zone metallophils in the clearance of lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus infection. Macrophages of the splenic marginal zone are essential for trapping of blood-borne particulate antigen but dispensable for induction of specific T cell responses. Function and regulation of self-reactive marginal zone B cells in autoimmune arthritis. Management of bleeding in acquired hemophilia A: results from the European Acquired Haemophilia 45. Verbruggen B, Novakova I, Wessels H, Boezeman J, van den Berg M, Mauser-Bunschoten E. A study of prospective surveillance for inhibitors among persons with haemophilia in the United States. Laboratory diagnosis of acquired hemophilia A: limitations, consequences, and challenges. Prevention and management of bleeding episodes in patients with acquired hemophilia A. Differential response to bypassing agents complicates treatment in patients with haemophilia and inhibitors.

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Promising activity of nelfinavir-bortezomib-dexamethasone (NeVd) in proteasome inhibitor-refractory multiple myeloma allergy forecast uk order generic periactin line. Cereblon expression is required for the antimyeloma activity of lenalidomide and pomalidomide. Prognostic value of deep sequencing method for minimal residual disease detection in multiple myeloma. Efficacy of venetoclax as targeted therapy for relapsed/refractory t(11;14) multiple myeloma. Dexamethasone treatment promotes Bcl-2 dependence in multiple myeloma resulting in sensitivity to venetoclax. Revised International Staging System for Multiple Myeloma: A Report From International Myeloma Working Group. Outcome of patients with newly diagnosed systemic light-chain amyloidosis associated with deletion of 17p. Integrin beta7-mediated regulation of multiple myeloma cell adhesion, migration, and invasion. Autocrine interleukin-6 production and highly malignant multiple myeloma: relation with resistance to drug-induced apoptosis. Serum osteoprotegerin levels are reduced in patients with multiple myeloma with lytic bone disease. Denosumab versus zoledronic acid in bone disease treatment of newly diagnosed multiple myeloma: an international, double-blind, double-dummy, randomised, controlled, phase 3 study. Role of B-cell-activating factor in adhesion and growth of human multiple myeloma cells in the bone marrow microenvironment. Bruton tyrosine kinase inhibition is a novel therapeutic strategy targeting tumor in the bone marrow microenvironment in multiple myeloma. Xbp1s-negative tumor B cells and pre-plasmablasts mediate therapeutic proteasome inhibitor resistance in multiple myeloma. Clonogenic multiple myeloma progenitors, stem cell properties, and drug resistance. High serum-free light chain levels and their rapid reduction in response to therapy define an aggressive multiple myeloma subtype with poor prognosis. Immunoglobulin free light chain ratio is an independent risk factor for progression of smoldering (asymptomatic) multiple myeloma. Revised prognostic staging system for light chain amyloidosis incorporating cardiac biomarkers and serum free light chain measurements. Immunoglobulin D myeloma: clinical features and outcome in the era of novel agents. Serum free light chain measurements to reduce 24-h urine monitoring in patients with multiple myeloma with measurable urine monoclonal protein. International myeloma working group consensus recommendations on imaging in monoclonal plasma cell disorders. Magnetic resonance imaging in multiple myeloma: diagnostic and clinical implications. International Myeloma Working Group updated criteria for the diagnosis of multiple myeloma. Minimal residual disease status as a surrogate endpoint for progression-free survival in newly diagnosed multiple myeloma studies: a meta-analysis. Major tumor shrinking and persistent molecular remissions after consolidation with bortezomib, thalidomide, and dexamethasone in patients with autografted myeloma. Minimal residual disease testing in multiple myeloma by flow cytometry: major heterogeneity. High-risk patients had t(4;14) and del 17p, intermediate-risk patients had trisomies without translocation, standard-risk patients had t(11;14), translocations other than t(4;14) with or without trisomies or chromosome 13 abnormalities, and low-risk subjects had normal results or an insufficient marrow plasma cell sample. Patients categorized as high risk had a more rapid time to progression to a malignant phase, and patients with intermediate risk had a somewhat more rapid progression to malignant evolution. About one-fifth of this retrospective sample did not have sufficient marrow plasma cell samples to be categorized. The diagnosis reflects the sum of (a) the monoclonal protein level, (b) the marrow plasma cell concentration (<10%), (c) the absence of other features of progressive plasma cell neoplasm (eg, hypercalcemia, osteolysis, otherwise unexplained anemia, otherwise unexplained renal disease), and (d) the absence of progression on periodic long-term follow-up. A consensus favors measurement of serum protein gel electrophoresis and serum free Ig and light-chain levels and serum protein immunofixation electrophoresis without urinary Ig measurements to detect monoclonal gammopathies. Small monoclonal proteins that migrate in the - or -globulin fraction are more difficult to identify on electrophoresis. Immunofixation electrophoresis is used to confirm a monoclonal protein found on gel electrophoresis. Immunofixation electrophoresis may also detect a monoclonal protein not evident on serum protein gel electrophoresis, usually because the protein is in too low a concentration or is embedded in the normal polyclonal - or -globulin peak. Renal Injury Occasional patients may have severe renal disease associated with monoclonal gammopathy. Cyclophosphamide, thalidomide, bortezomib, and bendamustine are favored because they have much less renal toxicity than congeners such as melphalan or lenalidomide. Thus, in the face of significant renal impairment, a careful evaluation, including positron emission tomography, should be considered to exclude a solitary lesion. In exceptional cases, ablative therapy with an autologous hematopoietic cell transplant may be considered. Remarkably, despite very high serum copper levels in the latter cases, no other organ damage ensued. Remarkably, despite very high serum copper levels in theAccess Provided by: other latter cases, no organ damage ensued. Iritis, uveitis, and maculopathy with loss of visual acuity have also been described in association with a monoclonal gammopathy. IgM monoclonal gammopathy has a significantly higher frequency of neuropathy than does IgG or IgA monoclonal gammopathy. In some cases, use of plasmapheresis has been followed by cytotoxic therapy in an effort to produce a sustained effect. Plasma exchange has shown Countway Medical Library Access Provided by: benefit in a small clinical trial. These relationships could result from various factors: (a) patients with a monoclonal Ig have an increased risk of developing cancer, (b) the monoclonal Ig is an antibody against some antigen associated with the cancer, (c) the monoclonal Ig is the product of cancer cells, or (d) coincidence. The last possibility is favored by two epidemiologic studies that found the same frequency of monoclonal gammopathy in a matched control group as in patients with cancer. An association of acute myelogenous leukemia and myelodysplasia with IgG or IgA monoclonal gammopathy was made by one group of scientists,214,215 but a large longitudinal study did not find this association. The high prevalence of monoclonal proteins and associated diseases, especially after age 50 years, indicates that some of these associations are coincidental. Thus, although surgical correction of hyperparathyroidism is associated with disappearance of the plasma monoclonal protein,189 statistical studies of this disorder suggest a coincidental relationship in most patients. A high frequency of B-cell clonality and IgH gene rearrangements have also been described.


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  • Are you losing any weight?
  • Complete blood count (CBC) may show a high number of white blood cells and reduced number of red blood cells.
  • Headache
  • Shock
  • Wear compression stockings to decrease swelling. They gently squeeze your legs to move blood up your legs.
  • Hypernatremia

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Complement proteins C5b-9 cause release of membrane vesicles from the platelet surface that are enriched in the membrane receptor for coagulation factor Va and express prothrombinase activity. Assembly of the platelet prothrombinase complex is linked to vesiculation of the platelet plasma membrane. Exposure of endogenous phosphatidylserine at the outer surface of stimulated platelets is reversed by restoration of aminophospholipid translocase activity. The involvement of cytoskeleton in the regulation of transbilayer movement of phospholipids in human blood platelets. Production of phosphatidylinositol 3,4,5-trisphosphate and phosphatidic acid in platelet rafts: evidence for a critical role of cholesterol-enriched domains in human platelet activation. Two-way trafficking of membrane glycoproteins on thrombin-activated human platelets. Ultrastructural localization of peroxidase activity in human platelets and megakaryocytes. Calcium uptake and associated adenosine triphosphate activity of isolated platelet membranes. Countway Medical Library Hemostasis and Thrombosis: Basic Principles and Clinical Practice. Calcium uptake associated with an intracellular membrane fraction prepared from human blood platelets by highvoltage, free-flow electrophoresis. Calreticulin, a multifunctional Ca2+ binding chaperone of the endoplasmic reticulum. Further characterization of calcium accumulating vesicles from human blood platelets. Severe combined immunodeficiency due to defective binding of the nuclear factor of activated T cells in T lymphocytes of two male siblings. Localization of platelet prostaglandin production in the platelet dense tubular system. Spectrin is associated with membrane-bound actin filaments in platelets and is hydrolyzed by the Ca2+-dependent protease during platelet activation. The cytoskeleton of the resting human blood platelet: structure of the membrane skeleton and its attachment to actin filaments. Increased filamin binding to beta-integrin cytoplasmic domains inhibits cell migration. A fluorescence cell biology approach to map the second integrin-binding site of talin to a 130-amino acid sequence within the rod domain. Calpain cleavage promotes talin binding to the beta 3 integrin cytoplasmic domain. Structure of a complete integrin ectodomain in a physiologic resting state and activation and deactivation by applied forces. Vimentin exposed on activated platelets and platelet microparticles localizes vitronectin and plasminogen activator inhibitor complexes on their surface. Ultrastructure of platelet formation by human megakaryocytes cultured with the Mpl ligand. Blood platelets are assembled principally at the ends of proplatelet processes produced by differentiated megakaryocytes. Visualization of microtubule growth in living platelets reveals a dynamic marginal band with multiple microtubules. The cystoskeleton of unstimulated blood platelets: structure and composition of the isolated marginal microtubular band. Histone deacetylase 6-mediated deacetylation of alpha-tubulin coordinates cytoskeletal and signaling events during platelet activation. Mutation of the beta1-tubulin gene associated with congenital macrothrombocytopenia affecting94 / 181 Page, Joseph E. Rare homozygous status of P43 beta1-tubulin polymorphism causes alterations in platelet 162. Rare homozygous status of P43 beta1-tubulin polymorphism causes alterations in platelet ultrastructure. Isolation and characterization of a calcium-sensitive alpha-actinin-like protein from human platelet cytoskeletons. Isolation and characterization of actin and actin-binding protein from human platelets. Human beta-filamin is a new protein that interacts with the cytoplasmic tail of glycoprotein Ibalpha. Effect of thrombin, adenosine diphosphate, and epinephrine on intra- and extracellular adenine nucleotide kinetics. Demonstration of different energy consumption associated with three secretory responses. Interrelationships among platelet responses: studies on the burst in proton liberation, lactate production, and oxygen Page 95 / 181, Joseph E. Effect of thrombin, adenosine diphosphate, and epinephrine Countway Medical Library on intra- and extracellular adenine nucleotide kinetics. Interrelationships among platelet responses: studies on the burst in proton liberation, lactate production, and oxygen uptake during platelet aggregation and Ca2+ secretion. Roles of acetate and phosphate in the successful storage of platelet concentrates prepared with an acetate-containing additive solution. Turnover of the phosphomonoester groups of polyphosphoinositol lipids in unstimulated human platelets. Deficiency of acyl-CoA:dihydroxyacetone phosphate acyltransferase in thrombocytes of Zellweger patients: a simple postnatal diagnostic test. Decreased platelet cytochrome c oxidase activity is accompanied by increased blood lactate concentration Countway Medical Library 199. State-dependent alterations in mitochondrial complex I activity in platelets: a potential peripheral marker for schizophrenia. Decreased platelet cytochrome c oxidase activity is accompanied by increased blood lactate concentration during exercise in patients with Alzheimer disease. Hyperglycemia potentiates collagen-induced platelet activation through mitochondrial superoxide overproduction. Critical role for the mitochondrial permeability transition pore and cyclophilin D in platelet activation and thrombosis. Persistence of procoagulant surface expression on activated human platelets: involvement of apoptosis and aminophospholipid translocase activity. Platelet and megakaryocyte shape change: triggered alterations in the cytoskeleton. Quantification of the morphological reaction of platelets to aggregating agents and of its reversal by aggregation inhibitors. Importance of free actin filament barbed ends for Arp2/3 complex function in platelets and fibroblasts. Tbeta 4 is not a simple G-actin sequestering protein and interacts with F-actin at high concentration. The role of actin filament barbed-end exposure in cytoskeletal dynamics and cell motility.

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Homophenotypic Aalpha R16H fibrinogen (Kingsport): uniquely altered polymerization associated with slower fibrinopeptide A than fibrinopeptide B release. Fibrinogen concentrates in hereditary fibrinogen disorders: past, present and future. Population pharmacokinetics of a triple-secured fibrinogen concentrate administered to afibrinogenaemic patients: observed ageand body weight-related differences and consequences for dose adjustment in children. Coexisting dysfibrinogenemia (gammaR275C) and factor V Leiden deficiency associated with thromboembolic disease (fibrinogen Cedar Rapids). Genetics, diagnosis and clinical features of congenital hypodysfibrinogenemia: a systematic literature review and report of a novel mutation. Maternal chromosome 4 heterodisomy/isodisomy and Bbeta chain Trp323X mutation resulting in severe hypodysfibrinogenaemia. Clinical features and molecular basis of 102 Chinese patients with congenital dysfibrinogenemia. Combined use of Clauss and prothrombin time-derived methods for determining fibrinogen concentrations: screening for congenital dysfibrinogenemia. Thromboelastographic phenotypes of fibrinogen and its variants: clinical and non-clinical implications. Molecular characterization of 7 patients affected by dys- or hypo-dysfibrinogenemia: identification of a novel mutation in the fibrinogen Bbeta chain causing a gain of glycosylation. Acquired dysfibrinogenemia caused by monoclonal production of immunoglobulin lambda light chain. Interference of monoclonal gammopathy with fibrinogen assay producing spurious dysfibrinogenemia. Dysfibrinogenemia: from molecular anomalies to clinical manifestations and management. Congenital afibrinogenemia: successful prevention of recurrent hemoperitoneum during ovulation by oral contraceptive. Fibrinogen stabilizes placental-maternal attachment during embryonic development in the mouse. Successful delivery in an patient with afibrinogenemia after three abortions: a case report and review of the literature. Successful pregnancy under fibrinogen substitution in a woman with congenital afibrinogenaemia complicated by a postpartum venous thrombosis. Obstetrical and postpartum complications in women with hereditary fibrinogen disorders: a systematic literature review. Identification and characterization of novel mutations implicated in congenital fibrinogen disorders. Genetic and clinical characterization of congenital fibrinogen disorders in Polish patients: identification of three novel fibrinogen gamma chain mutations. An apparently similar disorder was independently reported in the United States by Minot and others in 1928. This observation was confirmed by others, including studies of the original von Willebrand pedigree by Nilsson and coworkers. The final complete D domain is separated by a segment of more than 600 amino acids containing the triplicated A domains. The multimerization process appears to require the slightly acidic environment of the distal Golgi. Cleavage occurs adjacent to two basic amino acids, Lys-Arg at positions -2 and -1. An Arg at position -4 is also required for recognition by the intracellular protease responsible for propeptide cleavage. The transmembrane glycoprotein P-selectin is also found in the membranes of both the granule and the Weibel-Palade body. Johnsen David Ginsburg vasopressin receptors to induce secretion from the Weibel-Palade bodies in endothelial cells. Multimerization begins in the Golgi and continues within the secretory granules (Weibel-Palade bodies). The brackets to the left encompass three individual multimer subunits, including the main band and its associate satellite bands. For example, blood group O is significantly overrepresented in patients with low Desch and coworkers211). This fragment is consistent with proteolytic cleavage of the peptide bond between Tyr1605 and Met1606. Individual type 2B patients can also exhibit varying multimer structure and domain at one surface of the described crystallographic structure. Individual type 2B patients can also exhibit varying multimer structure and platelet counts over time. Johnsen David Ginsburg affected parent and an affected descendent had significant clinical symptoms. Types 2A, 2B, and 2M are generally autosomal dominant in inheritance, although type 2N and other rare cases of apparent recessive inheritance have been reported. The bleeding symptoms can be quite variable among patients within the same family and even in the same patient over time. The platelet count rarely drops to levels thought to contribute to clinical bleeding. Hemarthroses in patients with moderate disease are extremely rare and are generally only encountered after major trauma. The wide range of normal and the disorders may be necessary to achieve a good clinical result. A variety of concurrent diseases and drugs may modify the results of individual tests. The ristocetin cofactor assay is limited by high coefficients of variation and low sensitivity. In these disorders, patient platelet-rich plasma agglutinates spontaneously or at low ristocetin concentrations of only 0. Each normal multimer has a fine structure consisting of one major component and two to four satellite bands. At the time of delivery, cord blood can be sampled and can be informative in determining the affected status of the infant.

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Summary of Approach to Relapsed Disease Countway Medical Library Access Provided by: In summary allergy symptoms productive cough purchase periactin now, the immediate priority in the treatment of patients with relapsed and refractory disease is to establish disease control with second-line chemoimmunotherapy. Less intensive salvage regimens may be more appealing in this patient group to optimize palliative benefit. Third-line salvage chemotherapy offers diminishing chances of cure and is typically delivered with a palliative intention. A revised score was proposed after the introduction of rituximab, although its ability to discriminate survival outcomes between intermediate- and high-risk disease is suboptimal. Central Nervous System International Prognostic Index: Rates of Central Nervous System Relapse After Primary Therapy2 7 Risk Category Low Intermediate High No. More than 20 years after the original description of these profiles and despite technology that allows analysis on formalin fixed tissue,120 gene expression profiling is still not routinely available in diagnostic laboratories. Only 2031 of the 3273 patients had sufficient relevant information for classification according to the international index. Only 2031 of the 3273 patients had Countway Medical Library sufficient relevant information for classification according to the international index. These tumors have a poorer prognosis after standard chemotherapy, have a propensity to relapse early, and have low responses rates to second-line therapy. Interspersed within this background of T cells and histiocytes are especially large atypical B cells alone or in clusters that account for less than 10% of the overall infiltrate. Further information is provided in the "Primary Extranodal Lymphomas" section of Chap. This is most commonly seen in young and middle-aged adults with a female preponderance. The clinical presentation is typically with an anterior mediastinal mass with locoregional nodal involvement. Disseminated disease is relatively uncommon at presentation; however, relapses after primary therapy tend to be extranodal. In the classical variant, symptoms range from mild presentations of fever of unknown origin to specific-organ features. B symptoms are present in approximately two-thirds of cases and are frequently associated with global functional decline. A proportion of patients may have cutaneous involvement with a range of dermatologic appearances. The inherited immunodeficiency syndromes associated with lymphomas are discussed in the "Immunosuppressed States" section of Chap. New insights into the epidemiology of non-Hodgkin lymphoma and implications for therapy. Familial aggregation and heterogeneity of non-Hodgkin lymphoma in population-based samples. The t(14;18) is associated with germinal center-derived diffuse large B-cell lymphoma and is a strong predictor of outcome. Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma outcome prediction b gene expression profiling and supervised machine learning. Distinct types of diffuse large B-cell lymphoma identified by gene expression profiling. A probabilistic classification tool for genetic subtypes of diffuse large B cell lymphoma with therapeutic implications. World Health Organization Classification of Tumours of Haematopoietic and Lymphoid Tissues. Gene expression profiling reveals a close relationship between follicular lymphoma grade 3A and 3B, but distinct profiles of follicular lymphoma grade 1 and 2. Favorable outcomes from allogeneic and autologous stem cell transplantation for patients with transformed nonfollicular indolent lymphoma. Rituximab plus cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin, vincristine, and prednisolone in patients with newly diagnosed diffuse large B-cell non-Hodgkin lymphoma: a phase 3 comparison of dose intensification with 14-day versus 21-day cycles. Incidence and risk factors for central nervous system relapse in patients with diffuse large B-cell lymphoma: analyses with competing risk regression model. Rational administration schedule for high-dose methotrexate in patients with primary central nervous system lymphoma. Lack of benefit of central nervous system prophylaxis for diffuse large B-cell lymphoma in the rituximab era: findings from a large national database. The addition of rituximab reduces the incidence of secondary central nervous system involvement in patients with diffuse large B-cell lymphoma. Reactivation of hepatitis B virus infection in patients with hematologic disorders. Role of prephase treatment prior to definitive chemotherapy in patients with diffuse large B-cell lymphoma. Treatment of localized aggressive lymphomas with combination chemotherapy followed by involved-field radiation therapy. Role of radiotherapy to bulky disease in elderly patients with aggressive B-cell lymphoma. Outcomes of patients with double-hit lymphoma who achieve first complete remission. Targeting B-cell receptor signalling with ibrutinib in diffuse large B-cell Lymphoma. Fluorine-18-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography in response assessment before high-dose chemotherapy for lymphoma: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Polatuzumab vedotin in combination with immunochemotherapy in patients with previously untreated diffuse large B-cell lymphoma: an open-label, non-randomised, phase 1b-2 study. Outcome in patients with diffuse large B-cell lymphoma who relapse after autologous stem cell transplantation and receive active therapy. A retrospective analysis of the Lymphoma Working Party of the European Society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation. Non-myeloablative allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation in relapsed, refractory, and transformed indolent non-Hodgkin lymphoma. The activated B-cell subtype of diffuse large B-cell lymphoma as determined by whole genome 30 / 34 116. Gene-expression profiling and not immunophenotypic algorithms predicts prognosis in patients with diffuse large B-cell lymphoma treated with immunochemotherapy. Molecular subtypes of diffuse large B-cell lymphoma arise by distinct genetic pathways. Determining cell-of-origin subtypes of diffuse large B-cell lymphoma using gene expression in formalinfixed paraffin-embedded tissue. Confirmation of the molecular classification of diffuse large B-cell lymphoma by immunohistochemistry using a tissue microarray. Immunohistochemical double-hit score is a strong predictor of outcome in patients with diffuse large B-cell lymphoma treated with rituximab plus cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin, vincristine, and prednisone. Impact of oncogene rearrangement patterns on outcomes in patients with double-hit nonHodgkin lymphoma. Nodular lymphocyte predominant Hodgkin lymphoma: pathology, clinical course and relation to T-cell/histiocyte rich large B-cell lymphoma. T-cell-rich B-cell lymphoma: a clinicopathologic study of 21 cases and comparison with 43 cases of diffuse large B-cell lymphoma. T-cell/histiocyte-rich large B-cell lymphomas and classical diffuse large B-cell lymphomas have similar outcome after chemotherapy: a matched-control analysis. Outcomes of relapsed and refractory primary mediastinal (thymic) large B cell lymphoma treated with second-line therapy and intent to transplant. Outcomes of relapsed and refractory primary mediastinal (thymic) large B cell lymphoma treated with Access Provided by: second-line therapy and intent to transplant.

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Oral melphalan and prednisone chemotherapy plus thalidomide compared with melphalan and prednisone alone in elderly patients with multiple myeloma: randomised controlled trial. Effect on survival of treatment-associated venous thromboembolism in newly diagnosed multiple myeloma patients. Incidence of recurrent venous thromboembolism in relation to clinical and thrombophilic risk factors: prospective cohort study. Development of neuropathy in patients with myeloma treated with thalidomide: patterns of occurrence and the 571. Incidence of recurrent venous thromboembolism in relation to clinical and thrombophilic risk factors: Countway Medical Library prospective cohort study. Bortezomib-induced peripheral neuropathy in multiple myeloma: a comprehensive review of the literature. Development of neuropathy in patients with myeloma treated with thalidomide: patterns of occurrence and the role of electrophysiologic monitoring. 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Common and rare side-effects of low-dose thalidomide in multiple myeloma: focus on the doseminimizing peripheral neuropathy. Neurological toxicity of long-term (>1 yr) thalidomide therapy in patients with multiple myeloma. Incidence, risk factors and management of osteonecrosis of the jaw in patients with multiple myeloma: a minimizing peripheral neuropathy. Osteonecrosis of the jaw in patients with multiple myeloma treated with bisphosphonates: evidence of increased risk after treatment with zoledronic acid. Incidence, risk factors and management of osteonecrosis of the jaw in patients with multiple myeloma: a single-centre experience in 303 patients. Osteonecrosis of the jaw in multiple myeloma patients: clinical features and risk factors. Antibiotic prophylaxis before dental procedures may reduce the incidence of osteonecrosis of the jaw in patients with multiple myeloma treated with bisphosphonates. Canadian consensus practice guidelines for bisphosphonate associated osteonecrosis of the jaw. Association of minimal residual disease with superior survival outcomes in patients with multiple myeloma: a meta-analysis. International Myeloma Working Group consensus criteria for response and minimal residual disease assessment in multiple myeloma. The role of minimal residual disease testing in myeloma treatment selection and drug development: current value and future applications. Serum levels of interleukin 6, a potent myeloma cell growth factor, as a reflect of disease severity in plasma cell dyscrasias. C-reactive protein and beta-2 microglobulin produce a simple and powerful myeloma staging system. Serum hyaluronan in patients with multiple myeloma: correlation with survival and Ig concentration. Elevated serum concentrations of hepatocyte growth factor in patients with multiple myeloma. Peripheral blood monoclonal plasma cells as a predictor of survival in patients with multiple myeloma. Circulating endothelial progenitor cells in multiple myeloma: implications and significance. Circulating proteasome levels are an independent prognostic factor for survival in multiple myeloma. Presenting features and prognosis in 72 patients with multiple myeloma who were younger than 40 years. A new staging system for multiple myeloma based on the number of S-phase plasma cells. Novel evidence of a role for chromosome 1 pericentric heterochromatin in the pathogenesis of B-cell lymphoma and multiple myeloma. Jumping translocations of chromosome 1q in multiple myeloma: evidence for a mechanism involving decondensation of pericentromeric heterochromatin. Genomic instability in multiple myeloma: evidence for jumping segmental duplications of chromosome arm 1q. Safety of prolonged therapy with bortezomib in relapsed or refractory multiple myeloma. Benefit of complete response in multiple myeloma limited to high-risk subgroup identified by gene expression profiling. Ectopic expression of fibroblast growth factor receptor 3 promotes myeloma cell proliferation and prevents apoptosis. A validated gene expression model of high-risk multiple myeloma is defined by deregulated expression of genes mapping to chromosome 1. Identification of genes regulated by dexamethasone in multiple myeloma cells using oligonucleotide arrays. Translocation t(11;14)(q13;q32) is the hallmark of IgM, IgE, and nonsecretory multiple myeloma variants. Prognostic factors and response to fludarabine therapy in patients with Waldenstrom macroglobulinemia: results of United States intergroup trial (Southwest Oncology Group S9003). Comparison of extramedullary plasmacytomas with solitary and multiple plasma cell tumors of bone. The natural history of extramedullary plasmacytoma and its relation to solitary myeloma of bone and myelomatosis. Detection of malignant bone marrow involvement with dynamic contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging. Non-invasive demonstration of cardiac involvement in acquired forms of systemic amyloidosis. Prognostic significance of focal lesions in whole-body magnetic resonance imaging in patients with asymptomatic multiple myeloma. Challenges and opportunities of novel imaging techniques in monoclonal plasma cell disorders: imaging "early myeloma".