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The patient should be carefully assessed for corroborative evidence of impaired end-organ perfusion and alternative causes of oliguria antifungal ysp buy ketoconazole 200mg mastercard, including catheter obstruction and intraabdominal hypertension. The diverse pathophysiologic effects of heart failure and their treatment may make perioperative fluid management particularly challenging. The hemodynamic effects of chronic heart failure are characterized by systolic and diastolic dysfunction of the left, right, or both ventricles with secondary maladaptive neurohumoral responses. Undertreated patients may therefore present with edema in lungs and peripheral tissues and increased central blood volume in the face of poor myocardial function. Treatments for heart failure attempt to correct many of the neurohumoral responses, and many have been shown to improve long-term prognosis in heart failure. In the perioperative phase, they may bring challenges to fluid management, including chronic volume depletion, blunting of normal sympathetic responses, and electrolyte disturbances. They include -adrenoreceptor antagonists, diuretics, digoxin, and antagonists of aldosterone and angiotensin. The first is to preserve cardiac output, bearing in mind the influence of preload, contractility, and afterload. However, the flattened Starling curve of the failing heart means that excessive intravascular volume infusion and preload may lead to impaired contractility and worsening cardiac output. This leads to "forward failure," manifested as inadequate organ perfusion, and "backward failure," manifested as pulmonary and peripheral edema, particularly in the presence of aberrant salt and water excretion. The second goal is to minimize the cardiac work to avoid a vicious cycle of increased cardiac O2 demand, inadequate O2 supply, and worsening myocardial function. In particular, tachycardia triggered by hypovolemia and other stimuli should be avoided. Striking a balance between hypovolemia and hypervolemia is particularly important in patients with heart failure, but it may be difficult to assess clinically. The practical approach to patients with heart failure involves careful preoperative assessment of fluid status and electrolytes and optimization of heart failure treatments when time allows. The complex cardiovascular situation often requires cardiac output monitoring for moderate or major surgery. Invasive modalities include transesophageal echocardiography or pulmonary artery catheterization,165 although less invasive modalities may also be helpful. Measurement of cardiac filling and contractility is particularly important because the sources of intraoperative hypotension (reduced preload, contractility, or afterload) require different treatments. Infusion of large volumes of any fluid, including blood and products, should be undertaken only with objective evidence of intravascular volume loss. The effects of heart failure therapies should be evaluated carefully in the perioperative phase. Diuretics may leave patients in a chronically volume-contracted state that worsens anesthesia-related hypotension. Normalization of electrolytes is particularly important in patients taking digoxin, in whom hypokalemia may potentiate digoxin toxicity. The hypotension caused by these should be treated appropriately by small doses of inotropes or vasopressors, which may include vasopressin analogs. Patients with dialysis-dependent chronic kidney disease have multiple pathologic features that must be considered in perioperative fluid therapy. Overall fluid balance may be disturbed by reduced or absent native urine production, with reliance on dialysis to achieve the target "dry" weight, representing estimated euvolemia. Organ O2 delivery may be impaired by various factors, including chronic anemia, endothelial dysfunction, and microvascular perfusion abnormalities. The frequent coexistence of heart failure and systemic or pulmonary hypertension and the bleeding tendency caused by platelet dysfunction further increase the perioperative risk. Surgery should be undertaken in a facility where preoperative and postoperative dialysis or hemofiltration can be offered in case of intraoperative fluid overload or hyperkalemia. In elective surgery, preoperative dialysis should be timed such that the patient enters the intraoperative phase with a normal blood volume. Surgery in the presence of hypervolemia increases the risk for pulmonary and peripheral edema, hypertension, and poor wound healing, whereas hypovolemia increases the risk for anesthesia-related hypotension and inadequate tissue perfusion. Practically, this means performing dialysis the day before surgery to allow for equilibration of fluid and electrolyte compartments and time for dialysis anticoagulants to be metabolized. Electrolytes should be checked on the morning of surgery; sampling too soon after dialysis, before equilibration, may give an artificially low K+ result leading to unnecessary exogenous supplementation. Conversely, fasting may actually favor a hyperkalemic state as a result of the reduced presence of insulin; the ideal K+ value after dialysis is in the low-to-normal range. For emergency surgery, there may not be sufficient time to safely dialyze patients preoperatively. In this case, electrolyte abnormalities must be managed conservatively, with particular care paid to intraoperative fluid balance. The amount of fluid administered intraoperatively should be titrated to objective physiologic measurements, although the type of fluid given is open to debate. Large volumes of isotonic saline should be avoided, because the induced acidosis favors extrusion of K+ from cells. In contrast, K+-containing balanced crystalloids did not cause hyperkalemia in clinical trials. Colloids may be used for intravascular volume replacement, although owing to their predominantly renal excretion, the volume effect and potential toxicities may be exaggerated in these patients. Liaising with the nephrologist is important before considering blood transfusion; if the patient is awaiting renal transplantation, human leukocyte antigen-matched blood may be required to minimize antibody formation and future difficulties with blood and tissue matching. Large volume gastric fluid loss may be caused by congenital or acquired gastric outlet obstruction and lead to a distinct pattern of fluid and acid-base abnormalities. However, progressive dehydration leads to increased aldosterone secretion, aimed at retaining Na+ and water. Na+ is retained at the expense of K+ and H+ ions, leading to hypokalemia, and worsening metabolic alkalosis with a paradoxically acid urine. Correction should include gradual rehydration with isotonic saline and K+ supplementation, changing to dextrose-containing saline solutions depending on electrolyte analysis. Any surgery required to treat gastric outlet obstruction should be scheduled after correction of the volume and acid-base status. Patients with infection and sepsis syndromes may be encountered early in their presentations, as surgical source control of infection (drainage of abscesses, debridement of necrotic tissues, removal of infected devices) forms a key part of early sepsis therapy. Fluid resuscitation, with the goal of maintaining adequate end organ perfusion, has historically been a key part of the first six hours of sepsis treatment, which may represent the perioperative period for some patients. This assessment may incorporate more detailed measurements such as cardiac output, in addition to routinely available physiological variables (heart rate, blood pressure, urine output). These guidelines are based on a limited evidence base and further research is needed to refine this area. For example, some trials have suggested that a fluid bolus strategy may not be helpful in attaining hemodynamic targets174 or may even be harmful in some settings. Here the focus of fluid therapy is the fine balance between avoiding an increase in lung edema while maintaining adequate tissue perfusion. The consequences are interstitial and alveolar edema, reduced pulmonary compliance, increased pulmonary artery pressures, and hypoxemia. Meanwhile, organ perfusion may be impaired by increased intrathoracic pressures and reduced cardiac filling pressures. Extensive burns create a situation of copious fluid loss from the circulation combined with particular sensitivity to the effects of excess fluid administration. Thermal injury creates an area of necrotic tissue with surrounding ischemic areas. The combination of dead tissue with areas undergoing ischemia and subsequent reperfusion causes localized and systemic inflammatory reactions through histamine, prostaglandin, reactive O2 species, and cytokine release. Local impairment of endothelial barrier function leads to the loss of oncotically active plasma constituents, increased capillary filtration into the interstitial compartment, and evaporative transcutaneous fluid loss as a result of loss of skin integrity. Through similar mechanisms, extensive burns may lead to the systemic inflammatory response syndrome, with its well-recognized effects on fluid compartments outlined previously. The deleterious role of this inflammatory response is underlined by the reduction in mortality seen with early burn excision compared with conservative care. Fluid administration is largely still based on formulas such as the Parkland formula (Box 47. Although these have given a starting point for resuscitation volumes based on patient weight and extent of burn, myriad other patient and pathologic factors put such a recipe-based approach at odds with modern perioperative fluid therapy based on objective physiologic goals.

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Collection systems that neither concentrate nor wash shed blood before reinfusion increase the risk of adverse effects anti fungal pen trusted ketoconazole 200 mg. If not transfused immediately, units collected from a sterile operating field and processed with a device for intraoperative blood collection that washes with 0. Transfusion of blood collected intraoperatively by other means should begin within 6 h of initiating the collection. If stored in the blood bank, the unit should be handled like any other autologous unit. The transfusion of shed blood collected under postoperative or posttraumatic conditions should begin within 6 h of initiating the collection. The high suction pressure and surface skimming during aspiration and the turbulence or mechanical compression that occurs in roller pumps and plastic tubing make some degree of hemolysis inevitable. Many programs limit the quantity of recovered blood that may be reinfused without processing. To minimize hemolysis, the vacuum level should ordinarily not exceed 150 mm Hg, although higher levels of suction may occasionally be needed during periods of rapid bleeding. One study found that vacuum settings as high as 300 mm Hg could be used, when necessary, without causing excessive hemolysis. Other instances that may preclude use of cell savage include: use of parenterally incompatible chemicals. Of note, two randomized controlled trials published in 2014 of patients undergoing hip and knee arthroplasty with either preoperative hemoglobin concentration between 10 to 13 g/dL or more than 13 g/dL failed to show cell salvage as an effective means to reduce allogenic blood requirements. In some cases, the value of blood salvage may not be in terms of patient outcome or reduction of transfusion requirements, but instead in cost savings. The value of intraoperative blood collection was recently demonstrated for high-risk cesarean surgeries but not for routine procedures. Recovered blood is dilute, is partially hemolyzed, and may contain high concentrations of cytokines. The X over the word crossmatch means that the crossmatch is not included in the type and screen. These tests were designed to demonstrate harmful antigen-antibody interactions in vitro so that harmful in vivo antigen-antibody interactions can be prevented. Donor blood used for emergency transfusion of type-specific blood must be screened for hemolytic anti-A and/or anti-B antibodies, and Rh antibodies. All approved blood banks have redundant processes in place to ensure that the patient receives the correct unit of blood. Most will require a second confirmatory specimen drawn on a separate occasion from the first type and screen to reduce the risk of a crossmatch error and a hemolytic blood transfusion reaction. In fact, 15% of all transfusionrelated deaths are related to hemolytic reactions due to antibody incompatibility. Anti-A or anti-B antibodies are formed whenever the individual lacks either or both of the A and B antigens. Antigen D is very common, and, except for the A and B antigens, the one most likely to produce immunization. Of Rh(D)-negative recipients, 60% to 70% of patients given Rh(D)-positive blood produce anti-D antibodies. Approximately 85% of individuals possess the D antigen and are classified as Rh(D) positive; the remaining 15%, who lack the D antigen, are classified as Rh(D) negative. Transfusion of Rh(D)-positive blood to a Rh(D)-negative patient with Rh(D) antibodies may produce a hemolytic transfusion reaction. Alloantibodies are typically immunoglobulin (Ig)G, and thus do not readily produce agglutination in vitro, but do so in vivo. As a result, an indirect antiglobulin test (formerly an indirect Coombs test) is undertaken to evaluate for the presence of IgG alloantibodies. If the test is positive, follow-up testing must be undertaken to identify the target antigen. The screen for unexpected antibodies is also used on donor serum and is performed shortly after withdrawal of blood from the donor. This antiglobulin phase detects most incomplete antibodies in the blood group systems, including the Rh, Kell, Kidd, and Duffy blood group systems. The incubation and antiglobulin phases are important because the antibodies appearing in these phases are capable of causing serious hemolytic reactions. Except for hemolytic reactions involving anti-A and anti-B, reactions caused by antibodies appearing in the immediate phase are frequently less severe as many are naturally occurring, present in low titers, and not reactive at physiologic temperatures. In order of probable significance, anti-Rh(D), Kell, C, E, and Kidd are the most common of clinically significant antibodies. Once a serologic crossmatch is complete, blood is allocated and set aside for that patient for up to 72 hours. This practice leads to the loss of use for that blood product and increases the chance for outdating of unused products. Eliminating the serologic crossmatch and replacing it with a type and screen followed by a computerized or electronic crossmatch improves the efficiency of the blood banking system, while maintaining, if not improving, patient safety. A clinically significant current or previously detected positive antibody screen excludes the use of the electronic crossmatch and a serologic crossmatch should be performed. Blood given after this test is more than 99% safe in terms of avoiding incompatible transfusion reactions caused by unexpected antibodies. The concern is that low titers of circulating antibodies can produce a falsely negative antibody screen. In general, antibodies that are not detected in the type and screen are weakly reactive antibodies that do not result in serious hemolytic transfusion reactions. In a study of 13,950 patients, Oberman and associates203 discovered only eight "clinically significant" antibodies after complete crossmatch that were not detected during the antibody screening. The antibodies were all in lower titer and were believed to be unlikely to cause serious hemolytic reactions. Of the patients in the "no sample required" category, only a marginal increase of 0. Missing tests are communicated to the primary team so that appropriate orders can be placed. In essence, for those situations that do not allow time for complete testing, an abbreviated format for testing can be used or uncrossmatched group O blood can be allocated. The procedures described in the following paragraphs aim to provide the potentially life-saving blood product, while minimizing the risk for acute, intravascular hemolytic transfusion reactions. Maximal Surgical Blood Order Schedule In the 1960s and 1970s, the number of crossmatched units ordered for certain surgical procedures frequently far exceeded the number actually transfused. To better quantify this problem, the crossmatch-to-transfusion (C/T) ratio has been used. If the C/T ratio is high, a blood bank is burdened with keeping a large blood inventory, using excessive personnel time, and having a high incidence of outdated units. Sarma204 recommended that for surgical procedures in which the average number of units transfused per case is less than 0. This would be in lieu of a complete crossmatch for patients with negative antibody screens. More recently, Dexter and associates205 established that using the estimated blood loss reported in an anesthesia information system is more efficacious at predicting the need for transfusions. Their data indicated that for surgical procedures with less than 50 mL expected blood loss, a type and screen is not required. This schedule is based on the blood transfusion experience for surgical cases in a hospital.


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A common cause of malposition is dislodgment of the endobronchial cuff because of overinflation fungus white spots cheap ketoconazole 200 mg free shipping, surgical manipulation of the bronchus, or extension of the head and neck during or after patient positioning. Step 1, During bilateral ventilation, the tracheal cuff is inflated to the minimal volume that seals the air leak at the glottis. During ventilation via the bronchial lumen, the bronchial cuff is inflated to the minimal volume that seals the air leak from the open tracheal lumen port. If any of the aforementioned problems occur, a bronchoscopic examination and surgical repair should be performed. Bronchial blockers also can be used selectively to achieve lobar collapse if necessary. Currently, there are several different bronchial blockers available to facilitate lung separation. These extend down the posterior membranous walls of the trachea and mainstem bronchi. They are useful landmarks to orient the bronchoscopist to anterior-posterior directions. In the left mainstem bronchus, they extend into the left lower lobe and are a useful landmark to distinguish the lower from the upper lobe. Another group of patients who may benefit from the use of bronchial blockers are those cancer patients who have undergone a previous contralateral pulmonary resection. In such cases, selective lobar blockade with a bronchial blocker in the ipsilateral side improves oxygenation and facilitates surgical exposure. Blockers can be advanced over a guidewire placed with a fiberoptic bronchoscope into the required lobar bronchus. Another advantage of the bronchial blockers is when postoperative mechanical ventilation is being considered after prolonged thoracic or esophageal surgery. In many instances, these patients have an edematous upper airway at the end of the procedure. The Arndt blocker has a retractable loop that is placed over the fiberoptic bronchoscope, which is then used to guide the blocker into place. The Arndt blockers usually advance easily into the right mainstem bronchus without the loop. This blocker has been preangled at the distal tip to facilitate insertion into a target bronchus. On the distal shaft above the balloon, there is an arrow that, when seen with the fiberoptic bronchoscope, indicates in which direction the tip deflects. In the photos, correct positioning of a blocker in the right (A) and left (B) mainstem bronchi as seen through a fiberoptic bronchoscope just above the carina in the trachea. Each distal end is positioned into the right and left bronchus, and the bronchial balloon is inflated in the operative side for lung isolation. The two limbs are color-coded (blue and yellow) and the appropriate blocker is inflated via a matching colored pilot balloon. The blocker is simply rotated to the left or right as needed under fiberoptic bronchoscope guidance for placement in the required bronchus. Each distal end has a balloon that can be guided into the right and left main bronchus. This device comes with its own multiport Complications Related to the Bronchial Blockers Failure to achieve lung separation because of abnormal anatomy or lack of a seal within the bronchus has been reported. To avoid these mishaps, communication with the surgical team regarding the presence of a bronchial blocker in the surgical side is crucial. Clearly, the bronchial blocker needs to be withdrawn a few centimeters before stapling. Another potentially dangerous complication with all bronchial blockers is that the inflated balloon may move and lodge above the carina or be accidentally inflated in the trachea. This leads to an inability to ventilate, hypoxia, and potentially cardiorespiratory arrest unless quickly recognized and the blocker deflated. Between 5% and 8% of patients with primary lung carcinoma also have a carcinoma of the pharynx, usually in the epiglottic area. In selected patients who seem easy to ventilate, this may be performed after induction of anesthesia with a bronchoscope or with a videolaryngoscope. The catheter should not be inserted deeper than 24 cm at the lips to avoid accidental rupture or laceration of the trachea or bronchi. If a videolaryngoscope is not available, having an assistant perform standard laryngoscopy during tube exchange partially straightens out the alignment of the oropharynx and glottis and facilitates the exchange. Before placing any lung isolation devices through a tracheostomy stoma it is important to consider whether it is a fresh stoma. Whenever possible use a fiberoptic bronchoscope to position endobronchial tubes and blockers. The ability to perform fiberoptic bronchoscopy is now a fundamental skill needed by all anesthesiologists providing anesthesia for thoracic surgery. Note that the right middle lobe bronchus exits directly anteriorly and the superior segments (some authors refer to these as the "apical" segments) of the lower lobes exit directly posteriorly. Thus monitors will be placed and anesthesia will usually be induced in the supine position and the anesthetized patient will then be repositioned for surgery. It is possible to induce anesthesia in the lateral position and this may rarely be indicated with unilateral lung diseases such as bronchiectasis or hemoptysis until lung isolation can be achieved. However, even these patients will then have to be repositioned and the diseased lung turned to the nondependent side. Because of the loss of venous vascular tone in the anesthetized patient, it is not uncommon to see hypotension when turning the patient to or from the lateral position. All lines and monitors will have to be secured during position change and their function reassessed after repositioning. The anesthesiologist should take responsibility for the head, neck, and airway during position change and must be in charge of the operating team to direct repositioning. It is useful to make an initial "head-to-toe" survey of the patient after induction and intubation checking oxygenation, ventilation, hemodynamics, lines, monitors, and potential nerve injuries. However, the margin of error in positioning endobronchial tubes or blockers is often so narrow that even very small movements can have significant clinical implications. The carina and mediastinum may shift independently with repositioning and this can lead to proximal misplacement of a previously well-positioned tube. Endobronchial tube/ blocker position and the adequacy of ventilation must be rechecked by auscultation and fiberoptic bronchoscopy after patient repositioning. In addition, with the introduction of robotics for thoracic surgery careful attention must be given to airway devices because changes in patient position required for robotic surgery have the potential to cause malposition of airway devices. In robotic thoracic surgery access to the airway in midoperation can be very difficult. The brachial plexus is the site of the majority of intraoperative nerve injuries related to the lateral position. Semiprone or semisupine repositioning after arm fixed to a support *Unfortunately, this padding under the thorax is misnamed an "axillary roll" in some institutions. Dependent eye Dependent ear pinna Cervical spine in line with thoracic spine Dependent arm: (i) brachial plexus, (ii) circulation Nondependent arm*: (i) brachial plexus, (ii) circulation Dependent and nondependent suprascapular nerves Nondependent leg sciatic nerve Dependent leg: (i) peroneal nerve, (ii) circulation *Neurovascular injuries of the nondependent arm are more likely to occur if the arm is suspended or held in an independently positioned arm rest. This two-point fixation, plus the extreme mobility of neighboring skeletal and muscular structures, makes the brachial plexus extremely liable to injury (Box 53. The patient should be positioned with padding under the dependent thorax to keep the weight of the upper body off the dependent arm brachial plexus. However, this padding will exacerbate the pressure on the brachial plexus if it migrates superiorly into the axilla. The arms should not be abducted beyond 90 degrees and should not be extended posteriorly beyond the neutral position nor flexed anteriorly greater than 90 degrees. Fortunately, the majority of these nerve injuries resolve spontaneously over a period of months. Anterior flexion of the arm at the shoulder (circumduction) across the chest or lateral flexion of the neck toward the opposite side can cause a traction injury of the suprascapular nerve. This malpositioning, which exacerbates brachial plexus traction, can cause a "whiplash" syndrome and can be difficult to appreciate from the head of the operating table, particularly after the surgical drapes have been placed. It is useful for the anesthesiologist to survey the patient from the side of the table immediately after turning to ensure that the entire vertebral column is aligned properly. The dependent leg should be slightly flexed with padding under the knee to protect the peroneal nerve lateral to the proximal head of the fibula.

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Patient acceptance of regional anesthesia is frequent and common fungus gnats organic control generic ketoconazole 200mg with mastercard, as evidenced by a 92% preference for repeat cervical plexus block for future carotid endarterectomy. Regional anesthesia should be avoided under the following circumstances: strong preference for general anesthesia expressed by the patient. Difficult anatomy is usually manifested by a patient with a short neck and a high (more cephalad) bifurcation and may require vigorous submandibular surgical retraction. A recent report from a large international vascular registry, including 20,141 carotid endarterectomies performed in 10 countries between 2003 and 2007, found that anesthetic technique had no effect on perioperative mortality (0. Thus, using major perioperative complications as a guide, there is no reason to routinely prefer one anesthetic technique over the other for carotid endarterectomy. The ultimate decision to use general anesthesia or regional anesthesia should be based on surgeon and the anesthesiologist experience and patient preference. Regional Versus General Anesthesia For decades, the impact of anesthetic technique on outcome for carotid endarterectomy has been debated and studied. Patients were randomly assigned to carotid endarterectomy under general anesthesia (1753 patients) or local anesthesia (1773 patients) between 1999 and 2007. The main finding was that anesthetic technique was not associated with a significant difference in the composite end point (4. In patients with carotid artery stenosis or occlusion, ipsilateral cerebral blood flow may be impaired because of poor intracerebral collateral blood flow. In the setting of poor collateralization and resultant cerebral hypoperfusion, cerebral resistance vessels in the hypoperfused territories will dilate to maintain cerebral blood flow. These chronically dilated resistance vessels may demonstrate a diminished or absent. Impaired cerebrovascular reactivity to hypercapnia may play a role in the development of stroke ipsilateral to carotid stenosis or occlusion. Hypocapnia, with its associated cerebral vasoconstriction, has been advocated to promote a reversal of this steal phenomenon. Additionally, experimental data do not support the use of hypocapnia as a therapeutic maneuver to produce a favorable redistribution of blood flow during focal cerebral ischemia. It is therefore common practice to maintain normocapnia or mild hypocapnia during carotid endarterectomy. Evidence demonstrates increased ischemic injury to neural tissue when ischemia occurs in the presence of hyperglycemia. If hyperglycemia is treated with insulin preoperatively or intraoperatively, the blood glucose level should be carefully monitored, especially during general anesthesia, to avoid the dangers of hypoglycemia. The rationale for the use of such monitoring is based on the need to prevent intraoperative strokes. The primary clinical utility of cerebral monitoring is to identify patients who may benefit from shunting during the period of arterial clamping. Secondarily, cerebral monitoring is used to identify patients who may benefit from blood pressure augmentation or change in surgical technique. Despite a tremendous amount of investigative effort, only limited data support the assumption that cerebral monitoring actually improves patient outcome after carotid endarterectomy. To further complicate the issue, several large series have reported excellent results from carotid endarterectomy with routine shunting, routine no shunting, and selective shunting using one or more of the methods discussed later. Measurements are typically obtained before, during, and immediately after carotid clamping. When the electroencephalogram is used for cerebral ischemia monitoring during carotid endarterectomy, a stable physiologic and anesthetic milieu is mandatory. Patients with preexisting stroke or reversible neurologic deficits may have a particularly high incidence of such results. The advantages of monitoring carotid stump pressure are that it is inexpensive, relatively easy to obtain, and continuously available during carotid clamping (dynamic stump pressure). A recent single center report of 1135 consecutive carotid endarterectomies under general anesthesia used a stump pressure of below 45 mm Hg as a guide for selective shunting. Of note, no patient had a stroke caused by global intraoperative cerebral hypoperfusion. A recent prospective randomized trial comparing routine shunting versus selective shunting based on stump pressure below 40 mm Hg in 200 patients undergoing carotid endarterectomy under general anesthesia found both methods were associated with an infrequent perioperative stroke rate (0% vs. Although an old method, stump pressure monitoring appears to have survived the test of time. The sensory cortex, being primarily supplied by the middle cerebral artery, is at risk during carotid artery clamping. These parameters have important clinical implications because most perioperative neurologic deficits are thought to be thromboembolic in origin. Most intraoperative emboli are characteristic of air and are not associated with adverse neurologic outcomes. Embolization during carotid artery dissection may indicate plaque instability and the need for early carotid artery clamping. Embolization during dissection and wound closure is associated with operative stroke. Early postoperative embolization has been detected in more than 70% of patients after carotid endarterectomy and is exclusively particulate in nature. Persistent particulate embolization in the early postoperative period has been shown to predict thrombosis and the development of a major neurologic deficit. Intervention with dextran has been shown to reduce and ultimately stop sustained embolization after carotid endarterectomy. Perioperative microembolization is more common in women and patients with symptomatic carotid disease. Additionally, the high rate of technical failures significantly limits the clinical utility of this monitoring modality. Such monitoring allows determination of the arterial-jugular venous O2 content difference and jugular venous O2 saturation and therefore provides information on global cerebral O2 metabolism. Jugular venous samples are obtained from a catheter inserted into the jugular bulb ipsilateral to the surgical site. Significant technical and methodologic shortcomings have limited the clinical application of this monitoring during carotid endarterectomy. Near-infrared spectrophotometry is a noninvasive technique that allows continuous monitoring of regional cerebral O2 saturation through the scalp and skull. Similar to pulse oximetry, cerebral oximetry is based on the different absorption characteristics of the near-infrared spectrum of oxygenated and deoxygenated hemoglobin. However, unlike pulse oximeters, cerebral oximeters measure the O2 saturation of hemoglobin in the entire tissue bed. A commercially available cerebral oximetry sensor is applied to the forehead skin ipsilateral to the surgical site, and regional cerebral O2 saturation from a small sample of the frontal cortex below the sensor is provided. To date, wide patient-to-patient variability in baseline cerebral O2 saturation and the lack of a clinical threshold of a decrease in cerebral O2 saturation predictive of the need for shunt placement have impeded the widespread use of this novel monitoring modality. It is generally accepted that most neurologic complications are related to surgical technique. Thromboembolic (rather than hemodynamic) factors appear to be the major mechanism of perioperative neurologic complications and most occur in the postoperative period. Neurologic complications attributable to carotid artery thrombosis may occur with an incidence as frequent as 3. Other important, but less common neurologic complications include intracerebral hemorrhage and cerebral hyperperfusion. The reported incidence of intracerebral hemorrhage after carotid endarterectomy ranges from 0. Most intracerebral hemorrhages occur 1 to 5 days after the operation and are associated with significant morbidity and mortality. Not surprisingly, patients with poorly controlled preoperative hypertension often have severe hypertension postoperatively. The causes are not well understood, but surgical denervation of the carotid sinus baroreceptors is probably contributory. Because neurologic and cardiac complications may be associated with postoperative hypertension, blood pressure should be aggressively controlled to near preoperative values after surgery. Postoperative cerebral hyperperfusion syndrome is an abrupt increase in blood flow with loss of autoregulation in the surgically reperfused brain and is manifested as headache, seizure, focal neurologic signs, brain edema, and possibly intracerebral hemorrhage. Unfortunately, little is actually known about the cause and management of this syndrome. Typically, this syndrome does not occur until several days after carotid endarterectomy. Patients with severe postoperative hypertension and severe preoperative internal carotid artery stenosis are believed to be at increased risk for this syndrome.

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The trend in clinical practice has been not to use purely crystalloid cardioplegia solutions; instead fungus gnats during flowering order ketoconazole 200 mg otc, most centers now use some form of blood cardioplegia. Typically, solutions with two different potassium concentrations are used during the procedure. For inducing cardioplegic arrest, a "high-K" solution with a potassium concentration of approximately 20 to 30 mEq is used. After isoelectric arrest is induced, the solution is changed to a "low-K" mixture with a potassium concentration of approximately 10 mEq. These solutions can be administered in antegrade fashion into the coronary arteries via the aortic root, through a needle placed between the aortic cannula and the aortic valve, or in retrograde fashion into the coronary veins, via a balloon-tipped cannula placed in the coronary sinus. In fact, it is not uncommon for cardioplegia to be delivered simultaneously in both antegrade and retrograde fashion. After an initial arrest dose of approximately 1000 to 1500 mL of "high-K" solution is administered, perfusion of the heart is suspended for a period of 10 to 40 minutes while the surgeon operates on the heart. Then, periodically throughout the procedure, 200- to 500-mL doses of "low-K" solution are administered to deliver nutrients to the cells and maintain the potassium concentration. If the vent lines are not keeping the heart empty, it will warm more quickly and the heart muscle will be under tension. This state increases myocardial oxygen consumption and compromises myocardial protection. To reinstitute the electromechanical activity of the heart, warm, normokalemic blood is infused into the coronary arteries. This may be done by administering a "hot shot" through the cardioplegia cannulas or by simply removing the cross-clamp. Before weaning and termination, the patient should be rewarmed and the heart de-aired. Regular cardiac electrical activity should be confirmed and supported with a pacemaker if necessary. Ventilation of the lungs must be resumed and laboratory values confirmed and corrected if needed. When the patient is hemodynamically stable, protamine can be administered to reverse the anticoagulatory effect of heparin. The administration of protamine to the patient is a sentinel event that must be communicated clearly by the anesthesiologist to the perfusionist and surgeon. Protamine inactivates heparin by irreversibly binding with the strongly acidic heparin molecule to form a stable salt with no anticoagulant effects. Protamine should be administered slowly over a period of 5 to 10 minutes to reduce the risk of hypotension. Deep hypothermia unquestionably confers cerebral protection when the circulation must be arrested during cardiac surgery. Various suggested mechanisms for the neuroprotective effects of hypothermia have been tested in animal models (Table 54. Hypothermia not only reduces the metabolic rate but also delays the release of excitatory amino acids, neurotransmitters that play an important role in the process of neuronal death. Additionally, hypothermia reduces the permeability of brain arterioles and prevents blood-brain barrier dysfunction. Hypothermia may also interfere with the inflammatory response by suppressing the adhesion of polymorphonuclear leukocytes in the damaged region. Hypothermia is always initiated after aortic cannulation and the onset of bypass, but macroembolization to the brain is unlikely during this period because the heart is excluded from the circulation by the aortic cross-clamp. Hyperthermia delays neuronal metabolic recovery and increases excitotoxic neurotransmitter release, oxygen free radical production, intracellular acidosis, and blood-brain barrier permeability, with subsequent multifocal breakdown at sites in the thalamus, hippocampus, and striatum (see Table 54. Hyperthermia also affects protein kinase activity and destabilizes the cytoskeleton. Clinically, fever and hyperthermia worsen the prognosis of hospitalized patients with stroke. In the 1990s, some centers began using normothermic cardioplegia to improve cardiac outcomes while avoiding deliberate hypothermia. This practice of "warm heart surgery" was debated because of concern that the neuroprotective effects of hypothermia would be lost. Subsequent studies produced inconsistent results with respect to the incidence of stroke and postoperative neurocognitive decline. Such differences in neurologic outcome may have resulted from variations in the temperature management strategies used in different "warm heart surgery" studies; these variations ranged from allowing a downward "drift" that resulted in actual mild hypothermia to active rewarming that may have led to inadvertent cerebral hyperthermia. Brain parenchymal temperature cannot be measured directly during cardiac surgery; rather, it must be estimated from tympanic, nasopharyngeal, esophageal, rectal, bladder, skin surface, pulmonary arterial, or jugular venous bulb temperature. However, concordance between cerebral temperature and temperatures measured at most of these sites is poor. Hyperthermia that develops postoperatively may be just as hazardous as intraoperative hyperthermia. Blood Gas Management Temperature has a significant effect on the solubility of gases in solution. Specifically, in blood gas analysis, the carbon dioxide concentration (and consequently the pH) is profoundly altered by changes in temperature. As temperature decreases, the partial pressure of arterial carbon dioxide (Paco2) decreases as carbon dioxide becomes more soluble in plasma. This question has been the basis for a decades-old debate: -stat versus pH-stat blood gas management (Table 54. The dissociation of water depends on temperature; therefore, the pH value at which pN occurs varies with the temperature. Acid-base comparative physiologic studies of animals whose blood temperature varies. Specifically, the imidazole group of the amino acid histidine has a dissociation constant (pKa) value similar to that of blood. Therefore, if carbon dioxide stores are held constant during cooling, the ionization state (termed) will remain constant. This may be important because the ionization state affects both the structure and the function of proteins. Keeping the charge state constant (-stat) by allowing blood pH to change with the neutrality of water is thought to be essential for maintaining the most physiologically beneficial structure and function of enzymes during hypothermia. Research suggests that when the -stat strategy is used, cerebral autoregulation remains largely intact until deep hypothermic temperatures are reached. The term uncorrected is often confusing because it refers to the values that the blood gas machine typically reports without being programmed to correct the values to the actual temperature of the patient. With -stat management, one would strive for normal temperature-uncorrected results, which would theoretically maintain intracellular electrochemical neutrality. The pH-stat strategy endeavors to maintain a constant pH despite changes in temperature. To counter the tendency of cooling blood to follow the neutrality of the water curve and become more alkalotic as temperature decreases, these animals increase their blood carbon dioxide content and maintain normal pH at hypothermic body temperatures. Carbon dioxide is a potent cerebral vasodilator; therefore, the increase in carbon dioxide content during pH-stat management uncouples cerebral autoregulation; cerebral blood flow increases independent of cerebral metabolic demand. During bypass, decreasing blood temperature increases the solubility of carbon dioxide and, consequently, results in decreased Paco2 values. Therefore, the perfusionist must either decrease the "sweep speed" of the air-oxygen mixture or, less commonly, add carbon dioxide to the oxygenator ventilation system to increase the carbon dioxide content and maintain a Paco2 of 40 mm Hg (and normal pH) as the temperature of the blood decreases. In adult patients, several independent, prospective randomized trials have shown that using -stat management during moderate hypothermia produces better neurologic outcomes than observed with pH-stat management. These studies showed that pH-stat management produced more homogeneous cooling, less oxygen consumption, and better cerebral metabolic recovery than did -stat management. This response can produce tissue injury of varying degree in a variety of organ systems. These approaches can be loosely grouped into three primary categories: modification of surgical and perfusion techniques, modification of circuit components, and pharmacologic strategies.


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  • Electronystagmography
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Trigeminal nerve motor monitoring has been used during nerve section for tic douloureux to ensure preservation of the motor branch of the trigeminal nerve and in combination with facial nerve monitoring during resection of large posterior fossa lesions fungus gnats on skin order ketoconazole 200mg. Monitoring of peripheral motor nerves has been performed by placing needle electrodes in or over the muscles innervated by nerves that traverse the operative area and are at risk from the planned surgical procedure. Reactions to Intraoperative Changes in Monitored Responses Intraoperative changes in evoked responses, such as decreased amplitude, increased latency, or complete loss of the waveform, may result from surgical trespass, such as retractor placement or ischemia, or they may reflect systemic changes, such as changes in anesthetic drug administration, temperature changes, or hypoperfusion. When these changes are detected and considered to be significant, the surgeon or anesthesiologist can make changes to relieve or lessen the insult to the monitored pathway (and presumably surrounding neural structures). Baseline, after retractor placement, after retractor removal, and recovery traces are shown. Note loss of voltage of cortical-evoked response caused by inadvertent compression of the middle cerebral artery. It is imperative that clear communication occur between all parties in the operating room when significant intraoperative changes in evoked potentials occur. If expected results of an intervention are not observed the underlying hypothesis as to the cause of the changes must be reevaluated. This can only happen when lines of communication are open between all participants. Uncorrected, such changes are associated in clinical series and in case reports with onset of new postoperative neurologic deficits. Although the risk of stroke associated with carotid vascular surgery has been declining,68 the residual risk varies greatly based on the indication for the procedure. It is lowest for asymptomatic patients and highest after a recent revascularization for ischemic stroke. Serious intraoperative reduction in cerebral oxygen supply may result from surgical factors. The clinician has an opportunity to intervene to increase inadequate blood flow when it occurs. Anecdotally, many clinicians have found such monitoring useful and use it routinely. A multicenter study of 1495 carotid endarterectomies provides some evidence that shunting of patients without evidence of decreased cerebral perfusion increases the incidence of stroke more than sixfold. In addition, this review failed to demonstrate that any type of monitoring for cerebral ischemia was superior to another. First, what is the minimum number of channels (or areas of the brain) to be monitored Clinical experience and clinical investigations suggest that four channels (two per side) are the minimum number of channels for adequate sensitivity and specificity. These results were obtained with a frontoparietal channel combined with a frontotemporal channel. They were presented only with the written trace with an indication of the point at which the carotid artery was clamped. In these cases, the most important interpretation pitfall to avoid is the "false-negative" pattern. A false-positive result may be less of a problem because that patient is not ischemic but is given a shunt anyway. Multiple studies conducted in the preoperative, intraoperative, and postoperative periods indicate that higher emboli counts are associated with higher stroke risk and warrant intervention. Typically, a sustained doubling of flow velocity after unclamping should prompt the anesthesiologist to consider lowering the blood pressure. The hypothesis governing its use is very simple: as oxygen delivery to the brain decreases, oxygen extraction from arterial blood increases, and the oxygen saturation in cerebral venous blood decreases. The first and most important question is what degree of decrease in oxygen saturation can be tolerated before intervention is necessary. Two studies in awake patients showed that the saturation value at which any patient would develop symptoms varied from patient to patient,12,13 and an absolute value that required shunting could not be determined. If metabolic demands are being met by increased extraction, it is unclear that intervention is needed. Seventeen patients showed no changes in electric function with significant decreases in cerebral oxygen saturation. In addition, an aggregate of studies and case reports available in the literature suggests that there is no clear cutoff value of regional oxygen saturation which would mandate shunt placement or increasing the cerebral perfusion pressure. Intracranial Neurovascular Surgery (Monitors: Somatosensory-Evoked Potentials, Motor-Evoked Potentials) Somatosensory-Evoked Potentials. Recording electrodes placed on the surface of the brain have been used successfully, but they are commonly considered "in the way" by neurosurgeons. In these cases, many areas of the cortex and subcortical structures are at risk for damage that cannot be monitored at all by somatosensory pathway function. A significant false-negative monitoring pattern exists for these patients, but changes can still be detected when a surgical insult is sufficiently severe to involve large portions of the brain. First, motion caused by stimulation needs to be minimized to not interfere with the surgery. Second and more importantly, stimulus parameters need to be set to limit deep current spread that would activate the corticospinal tract distal to the internal capsule and obscure ischemia of the proximal pathway. Such procedures are typically divided into exposure, mapping, and resection phases, and can be done with the patient entirely awake or awake only during periods when the neurologic examination needs to be assessed. A second requirement is a patient who is well informed about the awake parts of the procedure and willing and able to cooperate. Dexmedetomidine, propofol, and remifentanil are the agents most frequently incorporated into the anesthetic regimens for awake craniotomy. Seizures triggered by cortical stimulation can be stopped by the application of iced saline to the exposed cortex or a small amount of barbiturate or propofol. Motor Strip Localization Electrophysiologic monitoring of the somatosensory system in anesthetized patients can provide a simple anatomic guide to the location of the rolandic fissure, which separates the parietal primary sensory and frontal primary motor cortex. Subsequent placement of the electrode strip onto the primary motor area of the precentral gyrus allows subsequent monitoring of the corticospinal tract through direct cortical stimulation. Posterior fossa surgery is not undertaken lightly, and even small injuries can leave significant neurologic deficits. Although some of these neural structures, such as the sensory, voluntary motor, or auditory pathway, can be monitored consistently, intraoperative integrity of other neural structures is frequently only inferred from the well-being of neighboring structures amenable to monitoring. Seizure Focus Localization Surgery Patients with epilepsy who have seizures that generalize from an anatomically distinct focus may benefit greatly from the surgical resection of that seizure focus. With sensitive magnetic resonance tomography techniques, neuronavigation, and recordings of typical seizure activity in the awake patient after placement of subdural and depth electrodes, the anatomic location and the appropriate extent of the resection frequently can be determined preoperatively. Electrocorticography is done by placing a grid of subdural electrodes onto the exposed brain surface and recording spontaneous electric activity. To provide good conditions during the recording, the level of anesthesia is lightened. Provocative techniques, such as hyperventilation or administration of a small dose of methohexital, may be useful to activate the seizure focus. Intraoperative seizure mapping requires the involvement of an expert electroencephalographer familiar with this technique. More rarely, the same approach is used to treat hemifacial spasm or neurovascular compromise of lower cranial nerves. The surgery entails dissecting along the intracranial portion of the nerve, identifying offending blood vessels that encroach on the nerve, and placing an insulating Teflon pad between vessel and nerve. The facial and vestibulocochlear nerves are at particular risk for stretchinduced injury caused by medial retraction of the cerebellum. Failure to release retraction in a timely manner results in postoperative hearing loss. Such monitoring increases the chances for preserved hearing after microvascular decompression. The clinical example is from a patient with a large parietal tumor shown in the scan.

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Conversely fungus gnats windows 200mg ketoconazole overnight delivery, such extended-release boluses are less titratable if for any reason the epidural needs to be terminated early. Levobupivacaine administered epidurally has the same clinical characteristics as bupivacaine. Ropivacaine is associated with a superior safety profile compared with bupivacaine. When compared with bupivacaine and levobupivacaine, ropivacaine at equivalent concentrations has a relatively similar clinical profile. Ropivacaine has a slightly shorter duration of action and less motor block, although the reduced motor block may in fact reflect different potencies of the drugs rather than a true motorsparing effect of ropivacaine. Epinephrine reduces vascular absorption of local anesthetics in the epidural space. The effect is the most with lidocaine,262 mepivacaine, and chloroprocaine (up to 50% prolongation), with a lesser effect with bupivacaine, levobupivacaine, and etidocaine, and a limited effect with ropivacaine, which already has intrinsic vasoconstrictive properties (see Table 45. Opioids synergistically enhance the analgesic effects of epidural local anesthetics, without prolonging motor block. A combination of local anesthetic and opioid reduces the dose-related adverse effects of each drug independently. The analgesic benefits of neuraxial opioids must be balanced against the dose-dependent side effects. As with intrathecal opioids, there appears to be a therapeutic ceiling effect above which only side effects increase. Opioids may also be used alone, particularly when there are concerns regarding hemodynamic instability. Fentanyl and sufentanil are also readily absorbed into the systemic circulation, and several studies suggest that this is the principal analgesic mechanism. Hydromorphone is more hydrophilic than fentanyl but more lipophilic than morphine. The onset of epidural fentanyl and sufentanil is 5 to 15 minutes and lasts only 2 to 3 hours. Diamorphine is available in the United Kingdom and used in doses of 2 to 3 mg as epidural boluses, or approximately 0. DepoDur is an extended-release liposomal formulation of morphine used as a single-shot lumbar epidural dose, thereby avoiding issues and side effects of a continuous local anesthetic infusion and indwelling catheters, particularly in patients receiving anticoagulants. When administered before surgery (or after clamping of the cord in cesarean deliveries), DepoDur can provide up to 48 hours of pain relief. Epidural clonidine can prolong sensory block to a greater extent than motor block. The mechanism appears to be mediated by the opening of potassium channels and subsequent membrane hyperpolarization270 rather than an 2-agonist effect. The addition of clonidine reduces both epidural local anesthetic and opioid requirements. The cardiovascular effects may be greatest when clonidine is administered in the epidural space at the thoracic level. Conflicting reports exist regarding the benefit of epidural ketamine and whether it is neurotoxic. At these low pHs, a higher proportion of the drug is in the ionized form and is therefore unable to cross nerve membranes to reach the internal binding site on sodium channels. Both carbonation of the solution and adding bicarbonate have been used in an attempt to increase the solution pH, and therefore the nonionized free-base proportion of local anesthetic. Although carbonation may theoretically increase the speed of onset and quality of the block by producing more rapid intraneural diffusion and more rapid penetration of connective tissue surrounding the nerve trunk,281,282 available data suggest that there are no clinical advantages for carbonated solutions. Sterility is arguably even more important than spinal anesthesia because a catheter is often left in situ. The extent of the surgical field must be understood so that the epidural may be inserted at the appropriate level-that is, the lumbar, low-, mid-, or high-thoracic, or less commonly, cervical. These needles are usually 16- to 18-g in size and have a 15- to 30-degree curved, blunt "Huber" tip designed to both reduce the risk of accidental dural puncture and guide the catheter cephalad. The needle shaft is marked in 1-cm intervals so that depth of insertion can be identified. The catheter is made of a flexible, calibrated, durable, radiopaque plastic with either a single end hole or multiple side orifices near the tip. Several investigators have found that multiple-orifice catheters are superior, with a reduced incidence of inadequate analgesia. Most practitioners use a loss-of-resistance technique to either air or saline, rather than the hanging drop technique, both of which are described later. If a lossof-resistance technique is used, an additional decision about the type of syringe. Position the sitting and lateral decubitus positions necessary for epidural puncture are the same as those for spinal anesthesia (see also Chapter 62). As before, inadequate positioning of the patient can complicate an otherwise meticulous technique. Shorter insertion times occur in the sitting position for thoracic epidurals compared with the lateral decubitus position, but ultimately, success rates are comparable. Important surface landmarks include the intercristal line (corresponding to the L4-L5 interspace), the inferior angle of the scapula (corresponding to the T7 vertebral body), the root of the scapular spine (T3), and the vertebra prominens (C7). Ultrasonography may be useful to identify the correct thoracic space233; it is less commonly used for thoracic epidural insertion, however, because the acoustic shadows make visualization of landmarks such as the ligamentum flavum and intrathecal space more difficult. After local anesthetic infiltration of the skin, the nondominant hand can be rested on the back of the patient, with the thumb and index finger holding the needle hub or wing. In a controlled fashion, the needle should be advanced with the stylet in place through the supraspinous ligament and into the interspinous ligament, at which point the stylet can be removed and the syringe attached. Some advocate needle placement in the ligamentum flavum for both the loss-of-resistance and hanging-drop methods before attaching the syringe, but this may be difficult, particularly for novices; however, this may allow an improved appreciation of epidural anatomy for the operator. If the needle is merely inserted into the supraspinous ligament and then loss-of-resistance or hanging-drop insertion is begun, there is an increased chance of false loss-of-resistance, possibly because of defects in the interspinous ligament. Air or saline are the two most common noncompressible media used to detect a loss-of-resistance when identifying the epidural space. Each involves intermittent (for air) or constant (for saline) gentle pressure applied to the bulb of the syringe with the dominant thumb while the needle is advanced with the nondominant hand. A combination of air and saline may also be used, incorporating 2 mL of saline and a small (0. Usually the ligamentum flavum is identified as a tougher structure with increased resistance, and when the epidural space is subsequently entered, the pressure applied to the syringe plunger allows the solution to flow without resistance into the epidural space. There are reports that air is less reliable in identifying the epidural space, results in a higher chance of incomplete block, and may also cause both pneumocephalus (which can result in headaches) and venous air embolism in rare cases. If air is chosen, the amount of air injected after loss-of-resistance should therefore be minimized. Evidence suggests that there is no difference in adverse outcome in the obstetric population when air or saline is used. An alternative method of identifying the epidural space is the hanging-drop technique. After the needle is placed into the ligamentum flavum, a drop of solution such as saline is placed within the hub of the needle. When the needle is advanced into the epidural space, the solution should be "sucked in. When a lumbar midline approach is used, the depth from skin to the ligamentum flavum commonly reaches 4 cm, with the depth in most (80%) patients being between 3. Factors affecting the distribution of neural blockade by local anesthetics in epidural anesthesia and a comparison of lumbar versus thoracic epidural anesthesia. L2 although there are no data to suggest that approaching the epidural space at the lumbar level is any more or less safe than at the thoracic level. This may be partly because those using the thoracic technique are most often anesthesiologists with considerable experience in lumbar epidural anesthesia. The increased angle of needle insertion during thoracic epidural cannulation may provide a slightly longer distance of "needle travel" before entering the subarachnoid space. In contrast to lumbar epidural cannulation (B), the distance traveled is modified by a more perpendicular angle of needle insertion (C).

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Historically fungus under breast cheap ketoconazole 200 mg mastercard, anesthesiologists have used clinical tests to assess muscle power directly and to estimate neuromuscular function indirectly (muscle tone; feel of the anesthesia bag 1354 as an indirect measure of pulmonary compliance, tidal volume, and inspiratory force). All these tests are influenced by factors other than the degree of neuromuscular block and, therefore, should not be used to evaluate recovery from neuromuscular blockade. Whenever precise information regarding the status of neuromuscular functioning is desired, the response of muscle to nerve stimulation should be assessed. This procedure also takes into account the considerable variation in individual response and sensitivity to muscle relaxants. This article reviews the basic principles of neuromuscular monitoring and the requirements for effective use of nerve stimulators for peripheral nerve stimulation. Moreover, methods of evaluating evoked neuromuscular responses with and without the availability of recording equipment are discussed. The muscle response after stimulation of its corresponding motor nerve is assessed. The most frequently assessed nerve-muscle unit is the ulnar nerve and the adductor pollicis muscle. The muscle response can be evaluated either qualitatively with a peripheral nerve stimulator or quantified with objective monitors. With the peripheral nerve stimulator, the observer evaluates the muscle response either tactically or visually, whereas with the monitor the response is objectively measured and displayed on a screen. Whatever method is used for neuromuscular monitoring, the clinician should be familiar with the following terms: supramaximal stimulation, calibration, impedance, and safety margin. In some devices, supramaximal stimulation is established concurrently with the calibration procedure. Indeed, as long as the resistance of the skin is below a threshold value, the neuromuscular monitoring device will stimulate with the same user-selected electrical current. For a maximum current of 60 mA, the maximal resistance of the skin should be equal to or lower than 5 k. If the resistance of the skin is above this value, the monitor will not be able to stimulate the patient with the selected current. More recently, nerve stimulators have been introduced that indicate the level of skin impedance on the screen. Using this approach, establishment of supramaximal stimulation is not needed to assure that nerve stimulation is effective and constantly maximal through the whole procedure. In contrast, the response (the force of contraction) of the whole muscle depends on the number of muscle fibers activated. If a nerve is stimulated with sufficient intensity, all fibers supplied by the nerve will react, and the maximum response will be triggered. After administration of a neuromuscular blocking drug, the response of the muscle decreases in parallel with the number of fibers blocked. The reduction in response during constant stimulation reflects the degree of neuromuscular block. For the preceding principles to work, the stimulus must be truly maximal throughout the whole period of monitoring; therefore, the electrical stimulus applied is usually at least 15% to 20% greater than that necessary for a maximal response. This compensates for potential changes in skin resistance intraoperatively and assures constant maximal stimulation throughout the procedure. However, supramaximal electrical stimulation can be painful, which is not a concern during anesthesia, but during recovery the patient may be awake enough to experience the discomfort of nerve stimulation. Therefore, some researchers advocate stimulation with submaximal current during recovery. Although several investigations indicate that testing of neuromuscular function can be reliably performed postoperatively with submaximal stimulation,14,15 the accuracy of such monitoring is unacceptable with that low current. Thus, the currently available equipment and the currently applied stimulation patterns allow only insight to this 70% to 95% range of receptor occupancy. This should be kept in mind, especially during recovery of neuromuscular block, where 70% of the acetylcholine receptors at the neuromuscular endplate may still be occupied but no longer detectable with neuromuscular monitoring. Types of Peripheral Nerve Stimulation Neuromuscular function is monitored by evaluating the muscular response to supramaximal stimulation of a peripheral motor nerve. Electrical nerve stimulation is by far the most commonly used method in clinical practice, and it is described in detail in this chapter. In theory, magnetic nerve stimulation has several advantages over electrical nerve stimulation. Calibration adjusts the gain of the device to ensure that the observed response to supramaximal stimulation is within the measurement window of the device and as close as possible to the "100% control response. It is especially important to calibrate when the onset and recovery of the neuromuscular block are established with singletwitch stimulation. Normally, disposable pre-gelled silver or silver chloride surface electrodes are used. When the selected current cannot be obtained with surface electrodes, needle electrodes can be used in a few exceptional cases. Although specially coated needle electrodes are commercially available, ordinary steel injection needles often suffice. A sterile technique should be used, and the needles should be placed subcutaneously to avoid direct injury to the underlying nerve. Sites of Nerve Stimulation and Different Muscle Responses In principle, any superficially located peripheral motor nerve can be stimulated and the response to corresponding muscle measured. Choosing the site of neuromuscular monitoring depends on several factors: the site should be easily accessible during surgery, it should allow quantitative monitoring and finally, direct muscle stimulation should be avoided. Direct muscle stimulation is characterized by weak contractions without fade persisting even at a deep level of neuromuscular blockade. The risk is increased when the stimulation electrodes are directly attached over the muscle to be assessed. To prevent direct muscle stimulation, the nerve-muscle unit should be chosen so that the site of nerve stimulation and the site of the subsequent evaluation of the twitch response are topographically (anatomically) distinct. In clinical anesthesia, the ulnar nerve is the gold standard as a stimulation site, but the median, posterior tibial, common peroneal, and facial nerves are also sometimes used. The distal electrode should be placed approximately 1 cm proximal to the point at which the proximal flexion crease of the wrist crosses the radial side of the tendon to the flexor carpi ulnaris muscle. With this placement of the electrodes, electrical stimulation normally elicits only finger flexion and thumb adduction. If one electrode is placed over the ulnar groove at the elbow, thumb adduction is often pronounced because of stimulation of the flexor carpi ulnaris muscle. When this latter placement of electrodes (sometimes preferred in small children) is used, the active negative electrode should be at the wrist to ensure maximal response. Polarity of the electrodes is less crucial when both electrodes are close to each other at the volar side of the wrist; however, placement of the negative electrode distally normally elicits the greatest neuromuscular response. When the posterior tibial nerve is stimulated, the electrodes should be placed close to the medial malleolus, with the same distance as described above and the negative electrode being placed distally. Ulnar nerve-adductor pollicis muscle: this nerve-muscle unit is easily accessible intraoperatively if the arm is in the outstretched position and the hand in the supine position. The stimulatory response can be evaluated tactilely, visually, or by objective means. It has the lowest risk of direct muscle stimulation, because it ensures topographic separation of the stimulated nerve and the evaluated muscle by stimulating the ulnar nerve running along the median side of the arm and assessing the muscle response at the adductor pollicis muscle, which is indeed located on the lateral side of the hand. Posterior tibial nerve-flexor hallucis brevis muscle: this nerve-muscle unit can be used for monitoring when the hands are inaccessible. The flexor hallucis brevis muscle produces flexion of the big toe following posterior tibial nerve stimulation. The characteristics (onset and recovery) of the neuromuscular block at the flexor hallucis brevis muscle is almost consistent with that of the adductor pollicis muscle. Facial nerve-orbicularis oculi and facial nerve-corrugator supercilii muscle: When the arms are tucked under surgical drapes, quite often the only accessible site for monitoring is the head. Two facial muscles can be used as monitoring sites: the orbicularis oculi muscle and the corrugator supercilii muscle. The former encircles the orbital opening; its stimulation through the zygomatic branches of the facial nerve causes the eyelids to close. Stimulation by the temporal branch of the facial nerve of the latter one draws the medial end of the eyebrow downward, producing wrinkling of the brow. However, because the facial nerve is in direct proximity to the intrinsic mimic muscles, the risk of direct muscle stimulation is significant. Effect of an intubating dose of succinylcholine and atracurium on the diaphragm and the adductor pollicis muscle in humans.

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For most regional blocks antifungal oral med buy ketoconazole with visa, the highest frequency is selected that adequately penetrates the depth of field. Sound waves reflected at the interface of two tissues with different acoustic impedances generate echoes. Ambient lighting has a large effect on visual discrimination; therefore dim lighting without glare is especially useful for imaging low-contrast targets such as peripheral nerves. Sound waves reverberate back and forth between the walls of the needle and then return later to the transducer. Because the sound waves return at a later time, they are displayed deep within the field of imaging. No reverberation artifact is observed from the needle tip because the bevel opening does not have opposing walls. The speed of sound artifacts relate both to time-of-flight considerations and to refraction that occurs at the interface of tissues with different speeds of sound. When this does not occur, reverberation artifacts are displayed deep to the reflector. Comet tail artifact is another type of reverberation artifact and helps identify strong reflectors such as the pleura during supraclavicular and intercostal blocks. Small collections of water near the air interface, which also are seen during scanning of the pleura, generate this artifact. The echoes deep to the femoral artery are enhanced (white arrow) and may be incorrectly identified as the femoral nerve (yellow arrow). The spacing between the bands represents the distance between the anterior and posterior walls of the object. Third, all reflectors are assumed to be on the central ray of the transducer beam. When this assumption is not true, out-of-plane artifacts are observed (slice thickness artifacts). Definitive proof of out-of-plane artifacts requires multiple views, which are recommended when such ambiguities arise. Unlike adjacent soft tissue, most biologic fluids do not significantly attenuate the sound beam and therefore cause acoustic enhancement (sometimes referred to as posterior acoustic enhancement or increased through-transmission). For example, acoustic enhancement deep to the second part of the axillary artery in the axilla can be mistaken for the radial nerve. In the infraclavicular region, acoustic enhancement deep to the axillary artery can be mistaken for the posterior cord of the brachial plexus (and similarly, for the femoral artery and the femoral nerve in the inguinal region). Acoustic shadows from refraction (also termed refractile shadowing or lateral edge shadowing) are often observed deep to the edges of blood vessels when the vessels are imaged in the short-axis view. Refractive edge shadows can be seen from the carotid artery during stellate ganglion block or from the second part of the axillary artery during infraclavicular block. Transducer Selection, Manipulation, and Modes of Imaging Ultrasound transducers consist of piezoelectric crystals that emit and receive high-frequency sound waves by interconverting electrical and mechanical energy. Transducer selection is important to the success of ultrasound-guided regional anesthesia procedures. High-frequency sound waves provide the best resolution but will not penetrate far into tissue. The frequency range is therefore chosen to be the highest that will allow adequate insonation of the entire depth of field. Sliding (A), tilting (B), compression (C), rocking (D), and rotation (E) of the transducer are shown. As a general rule, the footprint should be at least as large as the anticipated depth of field. As a rule of thumb, for in-plane technique (see Approaches to Regional Block With Ultrasound), every millimeter of the footprint is approximately a millimeter of guidance. Linear-array transducers generally have a higher scanline density than curved arrays and therefore produce the best image quality. When a linear transducer is needed but space at the site of block is limited by anatomic structures such as adjacent bone, a compact linear (hockey stick) transducer that has a smaller footprint can be very useful. Curved arrays provide a broad field of view for a given footprint size and are generally used when space is limited. Curved probes are easier to rock (see Infraclavicular Blocks) and produce images in sector format. External surface probes require disinfection between every use and after extended periods of nonuse, per instructions of the manufacturer. For this reason, standardized nomenclature has been established11: Compression is often used to confirm venous structures. To improve imaging, compression not only provides better contact, but it also brings the structures closer to the surface of the transducer. Soft tissue is subject to compression; therefore estimates of tissue distances will vary. Rocking (in-plane, toward, or away from the indicator) is often necessary to improve visibility of the needle and anatomic structures when the working room is limited. Rotation of the probe will produce true short-axis views rather than oblique or long-axis views. Sliding (moving contact) the transducer along the known course of the nerve using a short-axis view often helps. Tilting (cross-plane, side-to-side) will vary the echo brightness of peripheral nerves. This relationship is most pronounced for tendons but also occurs for muscle and nerves. With experience, operators learn to rock and tilt the transducer naturally to fill in the received echoes from peripheral nerves. Sliding and rotating the transducer achieves needle tip localization after optimizing peripheral nerve echoes by tilting. These multiple lines of insonation are then combined to produce a single composite image. Spatial compound imaging appears to reduce angle-dependent artifacts, anisotropic effects, and acoustic shadows. Another advantage for regional block is that the definition of tissue planes and the detection of nerve borders can be improved. In the systems that have been tested, spatial compound imaging improves needle tip visibility over a limited range of needle insertion angles (<30 degrees). Some forms of ultrasound imaging use multiple lines of sight by electronically steering the beam to different angles. These sonograms were obtained by placing a linear array test tool (the solid metal stylet of a 17-gauge epidural needle) over the active face of the transducer to isolate a single element. The test tool images do not display the beam itself, but rather the transmit and receive apertures. A Doppler shift occurs when a wave source and receiver are moving relative to each other, which produces a change in frequency such that the frequencies of the transmitted and reflected sound waves are not the same. When a wave source and receiver are moving toward each other, the observed frequency is greater than the source frequency; and when moving away from each other, the observed frequency is lower. The change in frequency is related to the velocity of moving reflectors and the angle of insonation. In clinical medicine, red blood cells are the primary reflectors that produce Doppler shifts. Traditional color Doppler encodes mean frequency shifts to provide directional velocity information; that is, conventional blue color indicates flow away from the transducer, whereas red color indicates flow toward the transducer. More recently, a more sensitive Doppler technology has been developed that encodes color based on the integration of the Doppler power spectrum. The disadvantages are that no directional information is provided and motion sensitivity (flash artifact) is high. Power Doppler is especially useful for detecting small arteries that accompany nerves (Box 46. Power Doppler can detect these small arteries and better delineate the course of tortuous vessels that have unfavorable angles to the ultrasound beam. Under this condition, the needle is perpendicular to the sound beam; therefore strong specular reflections will be produced; that is, mirror-like reflections will be produced from a smooth surface. However, bevel orientation does influence the needle tip echo; visibility is best with the bevel either directly facing or averting the transducer.

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Use of neuraxial blockade anti fungal mould cleaner buy generic ketoconazole 200mg line, particularly when used as the sole anesthetic, can reduce perioperative morbidity and may reduce mortality. Principles Spinal, epidural, and caudal neuraxial blocks result in one or a combination of sympathetic blockade, sensory blockade, or motor blockade depending on the dose, concentration, or volume of local anesthetic administered. Despite these similarities, there are significant technical, physiologic, and pharmacologic differences. In contrast, epidural and caudal anesthesia progress more slowly (>20 minutes) after a large mass of local anesthetic that produces pharmacologically active systemic blood levels, which may be associated with side effects and complications unknown to spinal anesthesia. The introduction of combined spinal and epidural techniques blurs some of these differences, but also adds flexibility to clinical care. Continuous catheter-based epidural infusions of dilute local anesthetics and opioids are used for obstetric labor analgesia and postoperative pain relief after major surgery. Evidence demonstrating that epidural analgesia can reduce pulmonary morbidity and mortality in high-risk patients undergoing major thoracic and abdominal surgery served to propel the practice of epidural analgesia at the beginning of the millennium. Indwelling spinal catheters can be applied long term (from months to years) for the treatment of chronic malignant and nonmalignant pain. Historical Perspectives the first case of spinal anesthesia in humans was performed by August Bier in 1898 using the local anesthetic cocaine. Spinal anesthesia using ropivacaine and levobupivacaine was introduced in the 1980s. The year 1901 marked the first reported use of intrathecal morphine described by Racoviceanu-Pitesti, as well as the first description of caudal anesthesia reported by Cathleen. Despite the extensive experience using neuraxial techniques throughout the past century, several events caused major setbacks along the way, including the Woolley and Roe case detailing paraplegia after spinal anesthesia in 1954,4 the reports of persistent neurologic deficits and adhesive arachnoiditis with spinal chloroprocaine in the early 1980s, and cauda equina syndrome with continuous spinal lidocaine anesthesia in the early 1990s. This distal termination varies from L3 in infants to the lower border of L1 in adults because of differential growth rates between the bony vertebral canal and the central nervous system. The pia mater is a highly vascular membrane that closely invests the spinal cord and brain. Surrounding the dura mater is the epidural space, which extends from the foramen magnum to the sacral hiatus and surrounds the dura mater anteriorly, laterally, and posteriorly. The epidural space is bound anteriorly by the posterior longitudinal ligament, laterally by the pedicles and intervertebral foramina, and posteriorly by the ligamentum flavum. Contents of the epidural space include the nerve roots and fat, areolar tissue, lymphatics, and blood vessels including the well-organized Batson venous plexus. Posterior to the epidural space is the ligamentum flavum (the so-called yellow ligament), which extends from the foramen magnum to the sacral hiatus. Ligament thickness, distance to the dura, and skin-to-dura distance vary with the area of the vertebral canal. The vertebral canal is triangular and largest in area at the lumbar levels, and it is circular and smallest in area at the thoracic levels. The two ligamenta flava are variably joined (fused) in the midline, and this fusion or lack of fusion of the ligamenta flava occurs at different vertebral levels in individual patients. There are 7 cervical vertebrae, 12 thoracic vertebrae, 5 lumbar vertebrae, and a sacrum. The vertebrae are joined together anteriorly by the fibrocartilaginous joints with the central disks containing the nucleus pulposus, and posteriorly by the zygapophyseal (facet) joints. The thoracic spinous process is angulated steeply caudad as opposed to the almost horizontal angulation of the lumbar spinous process. This is a clinically important distinction for needle insertion and advancement in the thoracic versus lumbar levels. The sacral canal contains the terminal portion of the dural sac, which typically ends at S2. Variation is found in this feature as well, with the termination of the dural sac being lower in children. In addition to the dural sac, the sacral canal contains a venous plexus, which is part of the valveless internal vertebral venous plexus. The volume of the caudal canal in adults, excluding the foramina and dural sac ranges, is about 10 to 27 mL. The anterior and deep portion of the cord (gray matter) is most prone to ischemia (leading to anterior horn motor neuron injury, or anterior spinal syndrome) because there are fewer anterior medullary feeder vessels than posterior feeder vessels. Likewise, the midthoracic part of the spinal cord (from T3 to T9) is most at risk where segmental medullary feeder vessels are rare. Venous drainage of the spinal cord follows a similar distribution as the spinal arteries. There are three longitudinal anterior spinal veins and three posterior spinal veins that communicate with the segmental anterior and posterior radicular veins before draining into the internal vertebral venous plexus in the medial and lateral components of the epidural space. There are no veins in the posterior epidural space except those caudal to the L5-S1 disk. Specifically, Hogan and Toth14,15 have shown that there is considerable interindividual variability in nerve root size. These differences may help to explain the interpatient differences in neuraxial block quality when equivalent techniques are used on seemingly similar patients. Another anatomic relationship may affect neuraxial blocks; although generally larger than the ventral (motor) roots, the dorsal (sensory) roots are often blocked more easily. This apparent paradox is explained by organization of the dorsal roots into component bundles, which creates a much larger surface area on which the local anesthetics act, possibly explaining why larger sensory nerves are blocked more easily than smaller motor nerves. Another study by Hogan18 has also shown in cadavers that the spread of solution after epidural injection into the tissues of the epidural space is nonuniform, and he postulated that this accounts for the clinical unpredictability of epidural drug spread. There is evidence that adipose tissue in the epidural space diminishes with age,19 and this decrease in epidural space in adipose tissue may dominate the age-related changes in epidural dose requirements (see Chapter 65). Mechanism of Action Local anesthetic binding to nerve tissue disrupts nerve transmission, resulting in neural blockade. For spinal and epidural anesthesia, the target binding sites are located within the spinal cord (superficial and deep portions) and on the spinal nerve roots in the subarachnoid and epidural spaces. Nerves in the subarachnoid space are highly accessible and easily anesthetized, even with a small dose of local anesthetic, compared with the extradural nerves, which are often ensheathed by dura mater (the "dural sleeve"). Anatomic studies show that the S1 and L5 posterior roots are the largest and thus most resistant to blockade during epidural anesthesia. For example, the small preganglionic sympathetic fibers (B fibers, 1-3 m, minimally myelinated) are most sensitive to local anesthetic blockade. The A-beta fibers (5-12 m, myelinated), which conduct touch sensation, are the last to be affected among the sensory fibers. The larger A-alpha motor fibers (12-20 m, myelinated) are more resistant than any of the sensory fibers. Regression of blockade ("recovery") follows in the reverse order: motor function followed first by touch, then pinprick, and finally cold sensation. For example, the level of anesthesia to cold sensation (also an approximate level of sympathetic blockade) is most cephalad and is on average one to two spinal segments higher than the level of pinprick anesthesia, which in turn is one to two segments higher than the level of touch anesthesia. This likely facilitates the cephalad distribution of local anesthetic from the lumbar subarachnoid space to the basal cisterns within 1 hour of injection. Drug distribution in the epidural space is more complex, with possible contributions from one, some, or all of the following mechanisms: (1) crossing the dura mater into the subarachnoid space, (2) rostral and caudal (longitudinal) spread within the epidural space, (3) circumferential spread within the epidural space, (4) exit of the epidural space through the intervertebral foramina, (5) binding to epidural fat, and (6) vascular absorption into the epidural vessels. Longitudinal spread of local anesthetic by bulk flow within the epidural space may occur after the administration of a larger dose. Factors that may enhance the distribution of local anesthetic within the epidural space are small caliber (greater spread in the thoracic space), increased epidural space compliance, decreased epidural fat content, decreased local anesthetic leakage through the intervertebral foramina. Finally, the direction of drug spread varies with the vertebral level-that is, epidural spread is mostly cephalad in the lumbar region, caudad after a high thoracic injection, and spread mostly cephalad after a low thoracic njection. The rate of elimination is also dependent on the distribution of local anesthetic; greater spread will expose the drug to a larger area for vascular absorption and thus a shorter duration of action. Physiologic Effects Safe conduct of spinal, epidural, and caudal anesthesia requires an appreciation of their physiologic effects. Neuraxial anesthesia evokes blockade of the sympathetic and somatic (sensory and motor) nervous systems, along with compensatory reflexes and unopposed parasympathetic activity.